“Are you okay? You’ve been under for a good twelve minutes.”

“Seriously? No wonder I feel like shit. Damn, that was so boring.”

“Can you move? We need to get out of here.”

“You might need to help me walk, and I might puke on you, but yeah. Let’s get out of here. We’ve got exactly what we need.”

Rook walks me outthe back door of the clubhouse, toward the Huron River. The fresh air helps clear my nausea and headache. I crash down on a bench on the water’s edge with another moan. My eyes fall closed while Rook texts Alpha Toth. “Are you okay? Do I need to get you help or anything?”

“No.” I grunt. “It’ll pass. Just give me a couple minutes.”

“Alpha Toth is on his way.”

We sit in silence a couple more minutes, until Alpha Toth’s gruff voice says, “What’s wrong? Is she okay?”

“I’m good,” I promise. “It’s passing already.”

“What is it?”

“My body’s natural reaction to sucking up psychic imprints. It’s a bitch, but we got what we needed. Sneaky McSneakerson is our guy. I just watched him skim one hundred bucks from every different pack account you have and deposit it into one personal account.”

Alpha Toth growls. “That fits.”

“Fits what?”

“The money’s been disappearing in such small amounts, it took us almost a year to notice.”

“A year? That’s a nice little chunk of money, then.”

“The money’s not the issue. He’s been robbing the pack for a year. He’s going to pay.”

“They,” I say. “I’m assuming he has an accomplice. He got that key from somewhere, and he was relieved when it worked…like he was nervous it wouldn’t. Then he got the password to Holly’s computer from somewhere—had it written down on a piece of paper. The personal account number, too. And overall, he was just too nervous to be the brains behind this scheme. My guess is this was the first time he’s had to be the one moving the funds. He’s got someone helping him. It could be Holly, but I wouldn’t know unless spending some time with one or the other, or both of them. Though, I doubt it’s her, considering she’s polishing the filing cabinets with a different man.”

When I quit talking, I wait for a reply but am met with silence. I open my eyes and rub my temples. “What?”

“What do you mean, you could get more if you spent time with them?” Rook asks.

I blush. I don’t want to tell them I can read minds. Them knowing about the visions is bad enough, but mind reading makes people really uneasy. No one ever trusts a mind reader. “I can pick some things up from people, too, not just objects. But it has to be skin-to-skin contact, which could be hard to do if we’re going for discreet.”

Rook and the alpha share a look. “The pack social?” Rook asks.

Alpha Toth nods. “Could be hard to get her there without raising suspicion, though.”

Rook shakes his head. “She saved Maya. She could be an honored guest.”

“Oh, yes, that’ll work perfectly.”

I’m falling behind. “What will work? Honored guest at a what?”

They ignore me, of course. Alpha Toth nods, as if everything is settled. “You’ll have to keep a close eye on her, but make sure you aren’t stepping on your brother’s toes. I know what she said, but she got him here for the first time in thirty years.”

My brain stalls at that. “Thirty years!” I cry. “He said it’s been a few, butthirty?”

Rook sighs. “Werewolves live a long time. Thirty years isn’t as long to us as it is to you. Still, it’s a long time to go without a pack. You accomplished something big, Nora. I didn’t think anything would ever bring Wulf back.”

I’m stunned, but I feel awful at the same time. Why did Wulf agree to come here after so long? Was it my whacked out allure that had him jumping through hoops for me? I don’t get it, but he and I are going to have a long chat. “Oh, that little liar,” I grumble, getting to my feet. I’m ready to stalk back into the gym despite my headache and upset stomach. “Excuse me, gentlemen, I need to go kill myself a Wulf.”

I get one good stomp in before Rook grips me by the shoulder. “Hang on there, little lady. Wait until you’re well away from the compound to lay into him, huh?” He chuckles. “Coming here was hard enough for him. He doesn’t need the humiliation of getting disciplined by a human female on top of it.”