I woke up the next morning stretching my arms above my head. I reached over to pick up my phone and saw that it was nearly 9.30 am. I had slept for nearly twelve hours straight with no nightmares. I hadn’t slept this well since before the accident.

I wasn’t working today, but I wanted to head to the bakery to speak to Sarah. I wanted to make sure that she was okay with me going away for a few weeks. I still couldn’t believe that I was going to be visiting Aunt Claire. I don’t think it had really sunk in yet. I had been unsure last night when my parents had first mentioned it, I haven’t really been out much other than to the bakery since I moved back home. I guess the idea of going half way around the world on my own was daunting.

I didn’t want to live hiding away in my bedroom, though. Jack had been right last night when he accused me of locking myself away, I just wasn’t ready to admit that to him yet. Moving back with my parents had been my only choice after the accident, but it was hard being here. There were memories of Mia and me everywhere I went in the village, and right now those memories hurt. Time away would be good.

I pulled myself out of bed and headed for the shower. After I dried my hair and got dressed, I went downstairs to find my Mum. I found her in the kitchen taking a cake out of the oven. “Morning Mum,” I said kissing her on the cheek. “That smells nice.”

“Morning Libby, how did you sleep?” She asked smiling at me.

She must have known that I’d had no nightmares as I usually always woke her up with my screaming. “Really well actually, the best in a long time,” I replied smiling back at her.

“It’s so good to see you smile honey, I’ve missed it.” She told me pulling me in for a hug, tears welling in her eyes. “So,” She said, recovering quickly. “I spoke to Aunt Claire last night; she is so happy that you’ve decided to go and visit them. Savannah can’t wait to see you. Your Dad and I had a quick look at some flights last night, we think we can get you on one on Friday afternoon.” She said excitedly.

“Friday afternoon! But it's Wednesday today.” I exclaimed.

“There’s no reason to wait is there?”

“I guess not. It’s all just happening a little quickly. I need to speak with Sarah to check that I’m okay to take some time off.”

“I’ve already spoken to Sarah, I told you yesterday. There really is nothing stopping you.”

I think my Mum was just desperate to get me on the plane in case I changed my mind. “I know you did Mum, but I’d really like to speak with her myself to check that she really is okay with it. It ismyjob after all.” I said a little frustrated. I reached for the bread and put two slices in the toaster.

“Of course, sweetheart.” She replied sheepishly. “But I promise you that Sarah is fine with it, she thinks that it’s a great idea.”

My toast popped up, and I sat at the table eating it. I looked down at the clothes I’d put on, an old pair of black joggers and a black t-shirt. It was what I usually wore unless I was at work. The joggers were baggy, and the t-shirt wasn’t much better. I thought back to what my Mum had said last night about me having lost a lot of weight. I hadn’t really noticed until now, but I was considerably thinner than before the accident, and I wasn’t exactly big then, a size 12 at the most. I must have been an 8 or a 10 now.

“Mum, I think I’m going to need some new clothes to take with me. Everything I’ve got is baggy and black.” I hesitated. “Do you think you could come with me to get some new ones? I’m guessing it’s hot in Texas this time of year?” I asked.

“Yes definitely! I’ve been dying to take you shopping for ages.” She clapped her hands together excitedly. Suddenly she stopped and turned to me, her face taking on a worried look. “Will you be okay in the car? We could take the train if you’d prefer?” She suggested.

The first time I travelled in a car after the accident I’d had a panic attack. It had been on the way home from the hospital after I was discharged. My Dad nearly had to turn the car around and take me back, but somehow, I managed to pull myself out of it and get home. I’d been in a car a couple of times since then. I’d never had another panic attack, but I had to concentrate on my breathing and count my breaths in and out to calm me down and get through the journey.

“No, we’ll go in the car, I won’t be able to avoid the trucks once I get to Aunt Claire’s,” I said, my stomach fluttering with nerves. The ranch was huge, and they used trucks to get around. I knew that I’d have to travel in those if I was going to help out while I was there.

I stood up. “I’ll go and get ready, but I want to stop by the bakery on the way.”

“Ok honey.” My Mum replied smiling.

Fifteen minutes later and we were parked in the village. Mum had decided to wait in the car while I visited with Sarah. As I pushed open the door to the bakery, the bell chimed above me. “Be right with you.” I heard Sarah shout from the back. She came into sight a few seconds later, wiping her hands on her apron. “Hi Libby, I wasn’t expecting to see you today. I thought you’d be getting ready for your trip?” She asked me, a smile on her lips.

“That’s actually what I came to talk to you about,” I replied.

“You haven’t changed your mind, have you?” She asked, concern evident in her voice. “I really think you should go Libby, you could do with getting away from the village for a bit.”

“No, I still want to go. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t leaving you short staffed. I don’t want to let you down.” I told her quietly.

Making her way around the counter, she pulled me into a hug. “Of course, you’re not letting me down. Leo can always help out if we get busy, please don’t worry about anything here. There will always be a job here for you Libby, no matter how long you’re gone.”

“Thank you,” I told her, hugging her back.

“I can see how lost you are sweetie, a break could be just what you need.”

I nodded, stepping out of the hug. “Mum and Dad are looking at flights for Friday, I’m sorry I can’t give you any more notice.”

“Libby, it’s fine. Don’t come in tomorrow, use the time to get yourself sorted and I’ll see you when you get back.”

“Thank you,” I told her again.