“I know…but she would want you to be happy. Please, promise me you will seriously consider going?”

“I will, I promise.”

“I’d better go; the boys are waiting for me. Let me know when you’ve decided. I love you.”

“I love you too. Have a good day. I’ll speak to you soon.” I promised as I ended the call.

I stood up and looked out of my bedroom window, staring at the darkening sky, I could just make out the moon in between the clouds. I thought back to what Jack had said on the phone. I knew that Mia would hate that I was putting my life on hold because I felt guilty over her death. She would never have blamed me, but I still couldn’t stop blaming myself.

She would want me to go to the ranch, I remember how jealous she was that I went when I was fifteen. She had made me tell her every detail when I’d returned. I smiled to myself as I thought back to the conversation we’d had that day. I’d gone straight over to her house when we’d got home from the airport.

“Thank god you’re back Lib. It’s been so boring here while you were gone. You have to tell me everything you did.” She’d said, linking my arm and guiding me up to her bedroom. I’d followed her, laughing as she pulled me along. “Urgh, you’re so brown, don’t stand too close to me.” She joked.

“It was great Mia, I wish you could have come. The ranch is amazing, they’ve got loads of horses, and I rode every day, as well as sunbathing and swimming in the river with Savannah and Brody. Next time we go, I’ll ask if you can come too.”

“How is that fine cousin of yours?” She’d asked, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

“Savannah’s great thanks.” I’d told her, smiling.

“I mean Brody!” She’d exclaimed.

“He’s good too.” I’d said laughing.

“I bet you met loads of gorgeous cowboys, didn’t you?”

I squeezed my eyes shut as I was pulled from the memory and shook my head, smiling sadly. She really was boy mad even then.

I made my way downstairs to speak to my parents. They had finished their dinner and were now relaxing in the lounge. They smiled at me when I walked in.

“We heard voices, were you on the phone honey?” Asked my Mum.

“Yeah, I was talking to Jack,” I replied. “I asked him if he’d be able to meet me at Aunt Claire’s for a few days.”

My Mum jumped to her feet. “Does that mean that you’ll go?” She squealed excitedly.

I laughed. “Yes, Mum I’ll go, as long as Aunt Claire and Uncle Ryan don’t mind having me there. I’m happy to help out around the ranch. I don’t want to be in the way.”

My Mum burst into tears as she flung her arms around me, pulling me in for a hug. “Of course they don’t mind having you there, it was actually Claire’s suggestion that you come. I’m so happy that you’ve decided to go. I really do think it will be the best thing for you.” She gushed. “I’m going to call Claire now and tell her the news.” She rushed out of the room in search of the phone.

I forced a smile, looking towards my Dad. While I had agreed to go, my Mum was giving the impression that a few weeks away was going to miraculously cure my nightmares and make me forget all about the accident. My Dad gave me a small smile. “She just wants to see you happy love.” He must have known what I was thinking. “She’s so worried about you, she’s just hoping that a few weeks away will pull you out of your shell and somehow get you back to your old self.”

“I can’t promise that Dad; I can’t imagine ever being how I was before the accident, but I’ll do my best.” I went over and planted a kiss on his cheek. “It’s been a long day; I’m going to try and get some sleep. Tell Mum I’ll see her in the morning. Night Daddy.”

“You’ll get there sweetheart; these things take time, and this is definitely a step in the right direction. Night night.” He said.

I could hear my Mum on the phone, talking excitedly to Aunt Claire as I went up to bed. I found my phone lying on the bed, and I sent a quick message to Jack.

Me: I’ve decided to go to Aunt Claire’s. Mum is on the phone to her now, she’s a bit excited! I’m sure Mum will be booking my flighttomorrow,so I’ll let you know the details. Love you xxx

I put my phone on the side and got ready for bed, sliding under the duvet my eyes felt heavy. My early morning and a full day at work were catching up with me. I hoped that I would be able to avoid the nightmares tonight and get a decent night’s sleep. Just as I was nodding off, I heard my phone beep with an incoming message. I reached over and grabbed it, seeing that I had a reply from Jack.

Jack: That’s great Sis! It will be so good to see u, I miss your face! Will catch up tomorrow with the details xxx

I smiled as I fell into what I hoped would be a peaceful sleep.