I woke early the next morning despite it taking me ages to fall asleep. My mind drifted to Mason and how good it had felt to be in his arms last night. I needed to get my attraction towards him under control. He seemed to have me under some sort of spell, and I’d only met him once. If he lived on the ranch, I could hardly avoid him.

I reached for my phone and saw that I had a text from Jack. He was flying into Austin next Friday. I couldn’t wait to see him. I sent him a quick reply telling him how excited I was to be seeing him, and that I would arrange for someone to pick him up from the airport. Maybe Savannah would be around; she’d told me yesterday that she’s only got a couple of classes left at university and a few exams before the term ended for the summer. I’d have to check if she was free.

I needed to talk to Savannah about what had happened last night with Josh, maybe we could take the horses out this morning and talk. I got out of bed and opened the curtains, looking out over the ranch. It was a beautiful morning, not a cloud in sight. My eyes drifted to the barn where I saw Mason leading a horse out into the exercise area. I quickly moved back from the window not wanting him to see me. I stole another look outside and my breath caught in my throat. He looked incredible. He had on a worn pair of jeans that were tucked into a pair of cowboy boots and a tight black t-shirt. A cowboy hat sat on his head. I could see the tattoo that I’d spotted last night. It covered the top of his arm and shoulder before disappearing under his shirt. I couldn’t make out from here the exact design, but it looked sexy as hell.

Mason turned towards the house and I quickly moved back from the window. I wasn’t quite quick enough, though, and he tipped his hat to me before turning and heading back into the barn. I felt my face flush at the thought that he’d seen me watching him. Just then a knock sounded on my bedroom door. “Come in,” I called out. I looked up and Savannah walked in.

“Morning Lib.” She said giving me a funny look. “What’s got you all flushed?” She crossed the room to where I was standing. “Oh! Checking out the view from your window I see.” She smirked, seeing Mason bringing another horse out of the barn.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” I replied, making a quick escape into the bathroom and locking the door. I could hear Savannah laughing on the other side of the door.

“You’re allowed to like him Lib.” I heard her say. “He obviously likes you, if last night was anything to go by. Have some fun with him while you’re here, you deserve some fun after everything you’ve been through.”

“Not going to happen Savannah.” I opened the bathroom door. “Enough about me. What happened with you and Josh last night? I saw you two arguing on the dance floor.”

“Urgh!! He’s such a jerk!” She threw herself down on my bed. “He basically called me a slut for dancing with someone!” Her voice was angry, but I could see the pain and hurt in her eyes.

“What?! He actually said that?” I asked incredulously.

“Well, not in so many words…” She trailed off and then sighed. “He said I shouldn’t let some random guy have his hands all over me... I was only dancing and why should he care anyway! He doesn’t want me.” She looked at me sadly. “I wish I could just get over him, but I’ve tried. He’s all I see.”

“Oh Sav,” I said to her, grabbing her hand and pulling her off the bed. “Come on, let’s go for that ride we talked about. We can bitch about men while we ride.” I suggested giving her a hug.

I had already suspected that Josh liked Savannah after I saw how he was looking at her last night. Now that Savannah had told me how he’d reacted to her dancing with another guy, I was even more convinced. I needed to let them figure it out themselves, though. Josh was obviously struggling, for whatever reason, with his attraction to Savannah and he needed to deal with it. I didn’t want to get her hopes up by continuing to tell her what I thought.

Savannah gave me a small smile. “That sounds like a great idea. Let’s get ready and meet downstairs in a bit.”

“Okay,” I told her as she headed to her room. I had a quick shower, got dressed and thirty minutes later I was waiting in the kitchen for Savannah. Aunt Claire was making us some pancakes before we left.

“How was your night out Libby?” Aunt Claire asked, flipping a pancake at the stove.

“Eventful. Southern boys are a bit different to the boys at home.” I laughed.

“Why? What happened.”

“Oh, nothing.” I brushed off my comment. I didn’t know if Aunt Claire knew about Savannah’s feelings for Josh and I didn’t want to explain what had happened with Mason. “Savannah introduced me to Josh and Mason, and they both kissed my hand. Is that something all guys around here do? I thought stuff like that only happened in books” I laughed.

“If they’ve been brought up right, then yes, they’ll even open your car door for you too.” Aunt Claire smiled at me. “It’s just how they are honey. Swoon worthy, right?”

“I guess so.”

Aunt Claire laughed. “You’ll get used to it. It’s one of the reasons I never made it back home to England after university. Ryan swept me off my feet. Swooned the hell out of me and wouldn’t take no for an answer!” She paused. “Some of these southern boys can be quite persistent when they see something they want, and once they’ve got you, God help any other man who comes near you.” She put a plate of pancakes in front of me and slid a jar of maple syrup towards me.

“Yeah, I can imagine!” I rolled my eyes thinking back to last night and Mason’s reaction to me dancing with Chase. “Aunt Claire, how much do you know about Mason?” I asked shyly.

“Not a lot honey, he’s been working on the ranch for about three months. He had some sort of falling out with his parents. A friend of your Uncle Ryan’s knew his Dad and asked if we could find him some work. He’s had it tough as far as I know. I’ve probably said too much…” She trailed off. “Why are you asking Libby?” She turned to me eyeing me warily.

“Savannah mentioned that he’s been in prison?” I asked, avoiding her question. I didn’t know why I was asking about Mason, I just had a need to know more about him, I couldn’t explain it.

“Yes, he has. I don’t know all the details, Uncle Ryan does, though, and I trust his judgment, but Savannah, he’s a lot older than you. Too old.” She raised her eyebrows at me. “Did something happen with Mason last night at the bar?”

“No. No of course not. Nothing’s happened. I’m just being nosey.” I lied, my eyes on the pancakes in front of me. I started eating to avoid any further questions.

“Morning Savannah, pancakes?” I heard Aunt Claire ask. I looked up to see Savannah entering the kitchen and Aunt Claire eyeing her suspiciously.

Savannah looked between her Mum and me. “Erm, yes please. Is everything ok?”

“Yes fine. I was just telling your Mum how different Southern boys are compared to the boys back home, you know all the hand-kissing and stuff.” I said quickly, jumping in before Aunt Claire could quiz her.