I looked up to Mason, his eyes sparkling under the lights of the dance floor. He licked his lips, and my eyes instinctively dropped to his mouth, the corner lifting in a cocky smile as he watched me. That smile pulled me out of my Mason haze. I tried to push myself out of his arms, but he held me tightly. “What was that?” I asked him annoyed.

“What was what sweetheart?” He asked smiling at me.

“That!!” I gestured in the direction that Chase had gone. “I was dancing with Chase and then suddenly you turn up!” He’d let me pull away from him, and I crossed my arms across my chest glaring at him. “Well?”

He leaned in towards me, his face in my hair and his breath tickling my ear. “I decided I didn’t like seeing you in another man’s arms.” I shivered as I felt his lips on my ear.

Angry at my body’s reaction to him I tried to push him away. “Well don’t look then!” I screeched at him. “It’s not your decision to make, I don’t belong to you, Mason. We’ve only just met.”

He laughed, twirling a piece of my hair around his finger. “God, you’re beautiful when your angry baby.”

“I’m not your baby!” I turned and stormed off the dance floor. I was angry but turned on at the same time. I was frustrated by my reaction to him. I heard Savannah calling my name, and I stopped and turned, expecting to find her. Instead, I saw Mason right behind me with that cocky smile on his face again.

Savannah suddenly appeared beside me. “Libby, do you mind if we go? I think I’ve had my fill for tonight!” She asked me seemingly as angry as I was.

“With pleasure,” I told her linking her arm. “We haven’t spent much time with your friends. Let’s go and say goodbye before we go.”

We headed to the other side of the bar where the girls were still sitting at the same table. They had been joined by a few guys, and they looked like they were having a good time. We told them we were leaving and made our way outside. It was just after 11 pm, but it was still warm.

“Are we getting a taxi home, Savannah?” I asked. Before she could respond Brody and Mason had joined us outside the bar.

“No one is getting a taxi. I’ll drive you home. We’re all going to the same place” Brody announced.

Great! The last thing I wanted was to be stuck in a car with Mason. If I had a panic attack in front of him, I would be so embarrassed. I tried to get Savannah’s attention to let her know how uncomfortable I was. I soon realised I couldn’t get her attention without Mason and Brody knowing something was wrong.

“Can I sit in the front Brody?” I asked, ignoring Mason. “I get car sick in the back.” I didn’t, but I was able to control my anxiety better in the front. Being in the back brought back too many bad memories.

“Of course, Lib, the car is just down here.” Brody replied motioning down the street with his hand.

“Where’s Josh, Brody?” Savannah asked quietly.

“He’s gone home, he was mad about something. Couldn’t get him to tell me what, though.”

I grabbed Savannah’s hand, and she gave me a sad smile in response. I’d have to speak to her when we were alone and find out what had happened with Josh.

The ride home was thankfully uneventful, and I managed to control my breathing and avoid a panic attack. I’d noticed Mason giving me a funny look once or twice in the car. He’d sat behind Brody so could probably see my hands clasped tightly on my lap and my deep breaths in and out.

Savannah had fallen asleep on the way home, and Brody had carried her into the house leaving me alone with Mason. As he made his way over to me, I started to walk backward not stopping until my back hit one of the pillars holding up the porch. He stopped right in front of me, reaching up to tuck a loose piece of hair behind my ear. He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. “Night sweetheart.” He whispered in my ear. “Sleep tight.” He turned and walked away leaving me standing by the porch, heart racing and palms sweating. I had a feeling it would take me a long time to fall asleep tonight.