“No!” I almost shouted. “I want to go be able to go in a car without having a panic attack. I’ll be okay. I’m better than I was just after the accident. The more I do it, the better I’ll be, I hope. Anyway, we have to go, I want my cowboy boots.” I said with a small smile.

“I knew you wanted some cowboy boots!” She exclaimed hitting the steering wheel with her hand. “Well, it’s not a long way to town, only about ten minutes.” She gave me a small smile, and I could sense that she wanted to ask me something. “How are you really doing after the accident?” She paused. “I know you’ve come here to get away from everything at home, but I want you to know, if you need to talk about Mia, or the accident, or anything, then I’m happy to listen. I know I never met Mia, but you talked so much about her last time you were here, I feel like I knew her a little bit.”

I decided then that I wasn’t going to give my normal response when someone asked me how I was. I wasn’t going to put on a brave face and pretend everything was okay. Savannah was my friend, and I needed a friend right now.

“I’m not okay, not really. I pretend I am when people ask me, but that’s more for their benefit. It’s easier to say yes, I’m fine. I miss her Savannah, so much. We did everything together, and now I’ve dropped out of university I’m just a little lost and lonely. My parents are great, but I can tell they don’t really know what to say to me to help. They are hoping this trip will somehow get me back to my old self.”

“I can’t even begin to understand what you’ve been through Libby, but one thing I do know is that you don’t have to pretend with me. If you feel like crying, then cry, if you feel like laughing then laugh. Hell, if you feel like skinny dipping in the lake then I’m with you! I’ll be here for you whatever.”

Tears filled my eyes. I’d missed having a friend. I’d shut everyone out at home, even my parents. No one could replace Mia, but it was nice to have someone my own age to talk to and do things with.

“Thank you. You don’t realise how much that means to me, Savannah.” I leaned across the centre console and gave her a hug.

“You don’t need to thank me Lib.” She said hugging me back. “Come on, let’s go and get those boots!”

I laughed as we pulled away from the house and down the driveway. Savannah was right, the journey into Marble Falls wasn’t a long one, and I counted my breaths in and out all the way. We parked outside a row of shops, and I got out of the car, relieved that we were here.

Marble Falls was beautiful; the town was set around the stunning Lake Marble Falls and amid green rolling hills. I glanced up and down the road we’d parked on. There were various shops ranging from coffee shops with tables and chairs out on the pavement, to shops selling furniture and handmade fudge. I made a mental note to visit the one selling the homemade fudge. American flags hung above the shops, and bunting was strung all along the street, as if there had been a recent street party or town fair.

Savannah grabbed my hand and pulled me along, pointing out her favourite coffee shop and clothes shop along the way. We came to a stop outside a shop called Blair’s Western Wear.

“Come on, this is the best place in town for cowboy boots. Most of mine are from here.” She said excitedly.

I let her lead me inside passing racks of jeans and shirts. At the back of the shop, there were rows and rows of cowboy boots. I’d never seen so many. How was I ever going to choose? I could see now why Savannah had so many pairs!

“Hey, Rose.” I heard Savannah call out.

I turned to see Savannah talking to a very pretty girl with long blonde hair.

“Hi Savannah, you’re not here for more boots, are you?” Rose asked, surprise evident in her voice. “You bought a pair about two weeks ago.”

Savannah laughed. “No, not for me, for my cousin. Rose this is Libby, Libby, Rose.” Savannah gestured between us with her hand. “Rose is one of my friends from school, she’s coming out with us tonight.”

“Hi Rose,” I said. “Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too Libby. You’re from England?” She asked.

“Yeah. I’m over visiting for a few weeks.” I replied smiling at her.

“So, you’re after some cowboy boots then. I’m guessing someone here is forcing their cowboy boot obsession onto you.” She said laughing.

“Hey!” Savannah shouted. “I’m standing right here. I can hear you.” She pouted.

I laughed. I liked Rose already. “Well, it did start out with Sav insisting I have a pair for our night out. I must admit though I’m quite excited to get some.”

“Have a look and see what you like, then give me a shout, and I’ll fetch your size,” Rose said, disappearing to serve a young couple while we had a look.

There were so many pairs I didn’t really know where to start. “Savannah help! There’s too many to choose from.” I walked over to where she was looking at a pair of red and black boots.

“Aren’t these gorgeous Lib.” She held the boot out for me to see.

“They are, but I think they are a bit bright for me.” I looked around spying a tan pair that I thought would go with a lot of my dresses and shorts. “What about these?” I held them up so she could see them.

“Oooo I like those.” She gushed. “Try them on!”

I laughed, I’d never seen anyone get so excited over cowboy boots before. “Okay, I’ll go and grab Rose.”

When I tried them on they were perfect. They were tan on the foot and then a slightly lighter tan colour up my leg. Tan and blonde according to the sales label. I loved them.