“Libby those are the ones, you have to get them,” Savannah told me. “I’m getting the red and black pair.”

“You’re getting another pair? How many is that you’ve got now? Uncle Ryan will kill you.” I laughed.

“He’ll never know; I’ll just tell him I’ve had them ages. Come on, let’s pay and then we can go and grab a coffee. I’m thinking I might need a new dress to go with these boots.” She said grinning.

We paid for our boots and said goodbye to Rose, arranging to meet her later tonight. As we walked up the street, Savannah pointed out the bar where we had arranged to meet everyone. The Brass Hall was a big red brick building at the end of the high street. The sign outside was advertising live music and dancing. Savannah told me that it was the best bar in Marble Falls, and would probably be packed later on. Fortunately, a friend of Savannah’s was a waitress there, and she was reserving a table for us.

After a quick stop for coffee and a piece of pecan pie, we headed to Savannah’s favourite clothes shop. She tried on what seemed like a million dresses before eventually finding one to match her new boots. Savannah definitely liked to shop that was for sure.

On the way back, I used the breathing techniques I’d taught myself in an attempt to keep calm, and I managed to get back to the ranch without having a meltdown. As we pulled up the long driveway and parked the car, I saw Brody and another man going into the barn. I felt Savannah tense beside me, and I watched as her knuckles turned white as she gripped the steering wheel.

“Everything okay Sav?” I asked her. “Who was that with Brody? Does he work here?” I looked back over to the barn, but they’d disappeared inside.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “That’s Josh, Brody’s friend. He doesn’t work here, he must be here to see Brody.”

“I remember Josh; he was here at the ranch a lot the last time I was here. You had the biggest crush on him back then.” I turned to look at her and saw the look on her face. “You still like him, don’t you? Does he know?”

She sighed. “I don’t just like him Lib. I love him. I’ve loved him since I was fifteen, he knows how I feel, he’s just not interested.”

I looked over at her and saw the sadness on her face. I couldn’t believe that Josh wasn’t interested, Savannah was gorgeous. She had long wavy brown hair and green eyes freckled with blue. She had a figure I was envious of with legs that seemed to go on forever. If Josh wasn’t interested, he must have been blind. Not only was Savannah gorgeous she was an amazing person as well.

“Oh Sav, are you sure he knows how you feel? How do you know he’s not interested?” I asked her hoping she had it all wrong.

“I’m sure. It’s kind of an embarrassing story.” She cringed. “I basically threw myself at him a few months ago, at a party. I was drunk and decided I’d waited long enough to tell him how I felt. I pulled him to one side and told him I’d been in love with him for years. Then I tried to kiss him.”

She went silent and stared out of the car window. “What happened?” I prompted her.

“He pushed me away, told me that he saw me as a sister and that nothing could ever happen between us.” She wiped a tear away and turned to face me. “We’ve barely spoken since. I hate it Lib, but I can’t make him want me.” She whispered.

I was no relationship expert, having never been in one, but I’d been Mia’s shoulder to cry on more times than I could count. Mia’s disastrous relationships had shown me that you should be with someone who thought the sun rose and set with you, and that you shouldn’t settle for anything less. If Josh really wasn’t interested in Savannah, then there had to be plenty of guys that were.

“Savannah, you shouldn’t have to make someone want you. You should be someone’s everything, and you will find that I’m sure of it. If Josh can’t see how amazing you are, then he doesn’t deserve you.”

“Thanks, Lib. I know you’re right, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less.” She wiped her eyes and checked her makeup in the mirror. “Come on, let’s go and get ready for tonight. I’m sure I can find some cowboy to dance with to take my mind off him.”

She jumped out of the car, grabbed the shopping bags and headed for the house. As she did, Brody and Josh came out of the barn.

“Hey, Savannah,” Brody shouted from the door of the barn. I saw Savannah take a deep breath before she turned around.

“Me and Josh thought we’d meet up with you and Lib for a drink tonight. Are you heading to the Brass Hall?”

“Erm… Yeah.” She hesitated. “We're meeting the girls there at eight.”

“Great, we’ll see you there then. Save us a seat.”

“Okay. See you later then.” She told him, her shoulders slumping as she walked up the porch steps.

“I’m guessing Brody doesn’t know you feel about Josh?” I asked.

“No. He’s got no idea. Thankfully Josh never told him what happened, I just pray he never finds out. He’s always made it clear that he doesn’t want me dating his friends. I dread to think how he’d react if he knew I was in love with one of them.”

I followed her into the house, my heart breaking for her. I’d never been in love, not even close. I could only imagine how it must feel to be in love with someone who didn’t love you back. I was starting to think that my first night out in months could turn out to be a disaster.