I padded downstairs and into the kitchen. I’d managed to get through the night without any issues, which I was grateful for. I knew that my Aunt and Uncle were aware of my nightmares, but I was still anxious about disturbing everyone and them realising how screwed up I really was.

“Morning sleepy head, or should I say afternoon,” Savannah said laughing.

She was sat at the kitchen table studying, books and papers spread across the whole table.

“Afternoon?” I asked puzzled. “What time is it?” I hadn’t looked at my phone when I’d woken up, I’d just come straight downstairs. My stomach was telling me it was breakfast time, though. I never normally ate breakfast; it must have been the country air making me hungry.

“It’s nearly twelve. You must have been exhausted from the flight yesterday.”

I picked up the coffee pot and found a mug. I held it up to Savannah. “You want one?”

“I’m good thanks. I’ve had one not too long ago.”

“Sorry I’ve slept so long. You’re right I must have been tired.”

“No worries. I’ve caught up with some assignments. Help yourself to some food. I’m just going to pack all this away.” She said gesturing to the messy table.

I opened a few cupboards looking for the cereal. I pulled out the Cheerios and found a bowl. “Do you think we’ll have time for a ride today if were heading into Marble Falls?” I asked Savannah, opening the fridge to grab the milk.

“Probably not, but we’ll have plenty of time for riding while you’re here. We need to get you those cowboy boots for tonight.” She said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I laughed rolling my eyes at her. I was secretly looking forward to getting some. My parents had bought me a pair the last time we were here, but I’d grown out of them. The ones you could get at home weren’t as good, so I’d never replaced them.

“I’ll be quick then, I’ll just eat this,” I said holding up my bowl. “It won’t take me long to get ready.” Savannah nodded as she packed her things away.

I sat down at the breakfast bar looking out of the window as I ate my cereal. The sun was shining, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It really was beautiful. I couldn’t wait to get out and explore. It looked like a lot had changed since the last time I was here. The retreat side of the ranch was much bigger. Uncle Ryan had expanded after he had taken over, and it looked like they could accommodate more guests than before. I’d noticed the extra log cabins last night.

I was guessing that Aunt Claire, Uncle Ryan, and Brody were somewhere on the ranch, doing whatever it was that they did. I knew that they employed staff, but all three of them were heavily involved with the day to day running of things.

I hopped down from the breakfast bar and quickly washed my bowl and spoon in the sink. “I’ll just run and get ready Sav, I won’t be long,” I called out as I ran upstairs.

“No rush Lib. I’ll be waiting.” Savannah called after me.

Twenty minutes later I was back downstairs. I’d had a quick shower, throwing my hair up into a messy bun and pulling on some denim shorts and a top. I’d called my parents while I was upstairs to let them know that I was okay. I’d told them that Savannah was waiting on me and promised to call them later.

“I’m ready,” I said finding Savannah waiting in the hall for me.

“Great. Let’s get going.’ She said to me holding up her car keys.

I followed her outside feeling anxious about having to go in the car again. She stopped in front of a red Volkswagen Beetle.

“You okay Lib? You’ve gone a bit pale.” She asked me looking concerned.

“I’m fine.” I lied, trying to brush away my nerves. “Just a bit hot I think.”

“Jump in, I’ve got air con, that should cool you down.”

I climbed into the passenger seat and quickly put on my seatbelt. I concentrated on my breathing, counting my breaths in and out in my head. Savannah got in and looked over at me.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Libby? Savannah asked, looking at me.

“I can get a bit anxious when I’m in a car, since… since the accident,” I told her quietly.

“Oh Lib, you should have said. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Not really; I’ll be okay. I thought you knew, I know my Mum told your Mum so…” I trailed off embarrassed.

“She probably didn’t want to say anything in case you didn’t want people to know. Do you want to stay here and go for that horse ride instead?”