Chapter One

I straddle the surfboard, waiting for the right wave to roll in. Brandon paddles back out from catching the last one, splashing me as soon as he gets close enough. I chuckle as I wipe the hair from my face.

“What time’s the party?” I ask.

The end of summer party at Alec’s house is tonight. It’s one of those events that everyone knows about and there isn’t a person in the area that doesn’t go. It’s basically just a bunch of kids getting drunk one last time before going back to college, but it’s always a good time.

“I think it starts at nine but we’ll get there when we get there.”

I nod. “Is Layla going?”

“Nah. I told her last night that I don’t want to stay with her after the summer. She didn’t exactly take it well.”

“No?” I mock surprise. “I can’t imagine why.”

He runs his hand through the water. “Yeah well, I didn’t expect her to throw her phone at my head.”

“Did she miss?”



An onslaught of water covers my entire face and Brandon smirks at me triumphantly. Fair enough. I really should have thought that one through.

“Bianca will be there.”

I roll my eyes, knowing he always loves to mess with me about her. They’ve never gotten along. Brandon seems to think she’s the devil in disguise, and she thinks he’s the reason I won’t go out with her. Seeing the two of them together is actually rather comical.

“I figured. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a party here that she hasn’t been at.”

“Yeah, that’s not a coincidence. She stalks you.”

I throw my head back, laughing. “She does not.”

“Oh yeah? Name one place you’ve gone this summer that she hasn’t coincidentally shown up at.”

The massive wave coming towards us pulls my attention away. “I would, but this one’s mine.”

I lie on my board and start to paddle into it, harder as I feel the wave start to lift me up. As soon as I begin to fall into the curve, I stand up, turning the board to carve. The thrill is liberating but it ends too soon. I step off my board and pick it up under my arm. Brandon comes out of the water behind me.

“Calling it a day?”

I nod. “Yeah. Let’s go back and shower. We can grab a bite to eat before we head over to Alec’s.”

THE PARTY ISN’T LIKE the kind we have back at school. It’s at his parents’ fancy house so there are rules that need to be followed. Caterers walk around with trays of hors d’oeuvres and champagne. I recognize everyone inside from the class above me. Alec’s sister, Tiffany, must have invited them.

Brandon and I make our way through the house to the backyard where it’s more our scene. A bunch of my friends are playing beer pong while others swim in the pool. They notice our arrival and come up to greet us.

“Holden, my man.” Alec says excitedly, putting his hand on my shoulder. “You have to help me teach these morons how to play pong. They’re horrible. My grandmother could play better.”

I tilt my head to the side. “I’ve met your grandmother. I’m pretty sure she could wreck us all at this game.”


A few of the girls I only ever see at events like this come over to say hello. It’s obvious with their fake giggles and hair twirling, what they have on their minds, but I don’t pay much attention to it. Anyone who was worth paying attention to in this small town has already been in my bed. The rest are either too ditsy or get way too emotionally attached.

Brandon and I follow Alec over to the table. Bran gets on a team with Cody, a guy we met our sophomore year of high school, and Alec comes on my team. My best friend and I make eye contact and he winks.

“Loser buys lunch tomorrow?” He suggests.

I smirk. “You’re on big guy. Hope you have big bills. I’m craving hibachi.”

ALEC AND I OBLITERATE them, sinking all the cups with ease. They don’t even have a chance to catch up. Once Cody misses the second shot, it’s all over and Brandon officially owes me lunch tomorrow.

“Bullshit.” He mumbles. “My partner sucked.”

I throw my hands up defensively. “You picked him, not me.”

We grab a couple beers and lean against the fence. It doesn’t take long before there’s a familiar face standing in front of me. Her dress is short and it may as well not even be covering her breasts, with how little it leaves to the imagination. Brandon gags as he sees her but she ignores him.

“Hey babe.” She greets me.

“Bianca.” I reply. “Having fun?”

She smiles. “Much more now that I’ve found you.”

“I didn’t know I was missing.”

Her fingers run through her black hair, pushing it back and out of her face. The bright red lipstick she has on helps me decide then and there that I won’t be hooking up with her tonight. I’ve never understood a girl’s desire to cake on makeup. This is exactly why Catfish exists. Besides, the last thing I need is to be scrubbing red stains off my skin before I leave tomorrow.

She turns her attention to Brandon and looks him up and down. Her disgu

st is evident but she knows he’s my best friend, so she at least tries to play nice.