“Good Evening, Brandon.”

“It was until now.” He answers, causing me to choke on my beer.

Bianca is not amused. She gives him a dirty look before focusing back on me. Her hand reaches forward to grab mine.

“Baby, let’s go for a walk.” She suggests.

I pull myself from her grasp. “No thanks. I’m good here.”

Stepping forward, her pointer fingers go into my pockets. “Please? I’ve missed you.”

I hand Brandon my beer and wrap my hands around her wrists, releasing her hold on me and placing them back at her side. “You know the rules.”

“Whatever.” She scoffs. “You think you can find someone better than me here? Have at it.”

With that last comment, she storms away. It’s not that I mean to be a dick, but the last thing I need is that girl putting one of her invisible claims on me. We dated a couple times in high school, but it didn’t work out. She’s never been able to hold my interest, and having a girlfriend isn’t really my thing. I’d rather be free to do whatever I want than have to explain my every move to someone else. Besides, nine months out of the year, I’m in Maine and she’s still in Jersey.

Her father paid big money to get her admitted into Princeton, despite the amount she begged to go to the University of Maine with me. I was so thankful he put his foot down with that one. I could only imagine if I had to deal with her all year instead of just the summer. She’s a fun girl and all, but she’s just a little much. I think the best way Brandon has described her was when he referred to her as Cling Wrap for three straight weeks.

“Uh oh.” My best friend jokes. “You made your girlfriend mad.”

“Not my girlfriend.” I grab my beer from him and take a long swig, allowing the cold liquid to flood my taste buds.

He hums sarcastically. “You, my friend, are going to get your heart broken one day. Karma for how you’ve treated almost every girl since you hit puberty.”

I laugh. “You know, you’re probably right.”

“I always am.”

I WAKE TO MY alarm, wondering why I thought it was a good idea to get up this early after being at a party most of the night. However, this is the last morning I’ll be able to see the sunrise for the next couple months. I want to take advantage of it.

I get out of bed, throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt before heading out the door. The walk over to the beach is easy – not many people are awake at this hour. I take my seat in the sand just as the sun beings to peak above the waterline. The colors in the sky have always been my favorite. The way the light creates a pink and orange glow as it reflects off the blue ocean – it’s breathtaking.

Using my phone, I take a picture and save it as my background. I’ve made a habit of doing that almost every day this summer. The sunrise was my mother’s favorite thing about living here, and it’s the same place my father proposed. I guess that’s why I love it so much.

I lie in the sand until the beach starts to become crowded - all the many people who come here for the summer taking over. I really wish they’d stay in their own towns instead of swarming mine. Standing up, I brush myself off and head back home. I have a lot of packing to get done. Let’s just say procrastination isn’t my friend.

I’VE GOT ABOUT HALF my stuff in the suitcase when my phone rings. Bianca’s name appears on the screen and I roll my eyes before answering it. I should have known she would try to see me before I leave.

“I thought you were pissed at me.” I say without greeting her.

She sighs. “I was, but now I’m not. Are you home?”

“Yeah. I’ve got a lot of packing to get done.”

“Can I help you?”

I run my fingers through my hair as I think about it, concluding that there’s no use denying her. “Yeah, I guess.”

“I’ll be right over. Unlock the door.”

“Yup.” I answer, popping the p.

By the time that I get downstairs to unlock the front door and get back up to my room, I hear her come in. It’s almost as if she was waiting around the block, which wouldn’t surprise me but I’m not about to ask. The answer scares me. If she were to say yes, I’d have to admit that Brandon is right – she stalks me.

“Hey babe.” She greets, kissing my cheek before sitting down on my bed. “I can’t believe you’re going back to school already.”

I shrug. “I’m excited. I’ve missed the guys.”