I tilt my head to the side. "Well, I did, but not for the reasons you're thinking. I love watching you play, and I love hearing about it."

"Then what's the problem?"

I pause, trying to find the right words before I make this worse. "Have you ever noticed the amount of attention you get from fans, particularly female ones?"

His expression changes to one of realization and he nods. "You're jealous."

"Can you blame me? There are hundreds of women there, screaming your name. It's intimidating."

He visibly softens and reaches forward to grab my hands. "But babe, none of them are you." I roll my eyes. "No. I'm serious. Not one of them even begins to compare to you."

"But some of them are really pretty."

"They're not you. They don't know me like you do. They don't know exactly how to make my coffee, or the right way to run your fingers through my hair. They don't know that I like it freezing in my bedroom, or my favorite ways to cuddle. So, they hold up a few signs and yell my name to try to get my attention. So, what? No one will ever get me the way you do."

I look down at the ground, but he releases one hand to lift my head up by my chin.

"No one."

"Do you promise?" I ask breathlessly, feeling overwhelmed by his sudden intensity.

"Cross my heart, hope to die."

I smile as he moves his hand to my cheek and pulls me closer to him. Our lips meet and move together softly. Instantly letting him take control, he uses his other hand to pull me into his lap. It's slow and passionate, making my entire body awaken. It's everything you read about in fairytales, and I'm basking in it.

DAWSON EYES ME CAREFULLY as I dry the mug and put it on the rack. I decide not to say anything, instead making eye contact with Skylar and laughing at the way she's looking at Dawson. If looks could kill, he'd be long gone.

"Y-you told him what?"

"That you two would love to come to his game with me tomorrow."

"Why did you lie to him?!"

I chuckle. "Because it's your fault I have to go in the first place, Mr. Let's Break the Bell."

"See what you did you big doof?!" Skylar accuses him.

"I'm sorry!"

Sighing, I put the towel down and face them both. "Come on. I'm really uncomfortable with it, but I'm going for him. Please just come. It'll make it easier for me."

Skylar smiles sadly. "Of course, we will."

"Thank you."

THE SEATS ARE THE same as they were the last time – only difference being there are three of them this time. I focus my attention on Skylar and Dawson, trying my best not to let the number of women here to see my boyfriend, overwhelm me. Dawson, however, doesn't share the same idea. He's looking around with wide eyes, like a kid at a candy store.

"All these girls are here for Holden?!" I look at Skylar pleadingly and she smacks Dawson's arm. "Ow! What was that for?!"

She glares at him and nods her head toward me. When he sees my expression, his lips form into the shape of an O. He whispers an apology and wraps his arm around Skylar, pulling her in and kissing her forehead.

The lights dim and the crowd starts to cheer. As the announcer introduces the team, they skate out onto the ice. Skylar, Dawson, and I clap, getting excited and pumped with the rest of the audience.

Holden has something draped over his shoulder, but in the dark, it's hard to tell what it is. When he breaks from the circle, he skates directly over to where we're standing. Removing the fabric, he balls it up and tosses it over the glass to me before skating away. Once I catch it, I realize it's one of his jerseys. The smile on my face widens as I look at the back of it.