I smile fondly and shake my head. "Never a dull moment with you, is it?"

A FEW HOURS LATER, I'm sitting on the counter while Skylar asks Dawson and I for our opinion on wedding stuff. On slow days like this, it's the best way to pass the time.

"What about this one?" She suggests, showing me a baby blue dress. It's a floor length gown that’s practically transparent.

"Eh, maybe not so revealing."

She scrolls through a few more before landing on one and laughing. "This is it. I found my bridesmaid dresses."

Instead of turning the phone around, she sends Dawson and I each a screenshot. It's a bright yellow dress with poufy arms and a big yellow bow. Picturing Bree wearing it causes me to laugh hysterically.

"I'm so glad we found the dress. You'll wear it, right?" She giggles.

Dawson looks over to me with amusement and back to Skylar. "Yeah, okay. You have a better chance of seeing Kayleigh at another one of Holden's hockey games."

Skylar's eyes widen and she starts shaking her head, signaling for Dawson to shut up. He doesn't get the message.

"What? You know how much she hated going there."

I follow her line of sight past Dawson and turn around to look behind us. Holden is standing there, looking broken. I close my eyes and cringe.

"He's right behind me, isn't he?" Dawson asks. Skylar nods slowly.

As I open my eyes, I see Holden walking out the door. I immediately take off my apron and toss it on the counter, jogging to chase after my boyfriend.

"You just had to take the damn bell off the door." I chastise Dawson. "Holden, wait!"

I run outside and over to Holden. He's standing beside his motorcycle and picking up his helmet. He's about to put it on when I catch up to him.

"I can explain."


sp; He turns toward me, visibly upset. "Explain what? That my own girlfriend doesn't like one of the few things that are really important to me? You could have just told me, instead of lying about it."

One leg goes over the bike and he stands it up. I put my hand on his arm. "I didn't lie, I promise. Let's just go somewhere and talk."

He takes a deep breath before taking off his helmet and handing it to me. I realize I've never been on his motorcycle before, but if I don't want this argument to linger, I have no other choice. I put it on my head and quickly climb onto the back of the bike – wrapping my arms around his waist before he revs the engine to life.

I watch the pavement pass beneath us and feel the wind on my legs. It’s obvious why he got this thing. The feeling when you're on it is liberating. As soon as he gets out of town, he increases the speed. I squeal happily and tighten my grip. I can see his smile in the reflection of the mirror. He's enjoying this.

He drives for almost fifteen minutes, which tells me we're not going to Kappa. I don't care though. I need to get this sorted out before it becomes something bigger than it needs to be.

By the end of the drive, he pulls up alongside a lake with a big gazebo. He brings the bike to a halt and puts the kickstand down before signaling for me to climb off. I take off the helmet and hand it to him.

"That was amazing!" I tell him excitedly. He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. The two of us walk over to the gazebo and sit down. "How did you find this place?"

"I came back to school a little early to buy my motorcycle, and I drove around to practice. Just stumbled upon it one day."

"It's beautiful."

"Yeah. I love it here."

The conversation turns to silence and I realize I'm going to have to bring the topic up myself. I sigh and turn my body to face him.

"Holden, you have to believe me. What Dawson said wasn't true."

"So, you didn't hate going to my game, and decided to leave early?"