As I'm brushing my hair, my roommate snorts from behind me. I quickly turn to see her looking at her phone, snickering.

"What?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "Nothing. You two are adorable."

I want to pry further but my phone dings, effectively distracting me. I reach over and take it from my nightstand, seeing a new text message.

Holden: Come hang out with me.

"The two of you make me nervous." I mutter to Bree suspiciously. She looks up just long enough to wink at me.

"Okay." She says, getting up from her bed. "I'm going to Carson's before my big mouth gets me in trouble. Love you!"

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too."

I text Holden back, letting him know to come pick me up in an hour, then toss my phone on my bed and go shower. I guess I'm spending my day off with my 'boy toy', as Sky likes to call him.

BY THE TIME I'M straightening my hair, there's a knock at the door. I open it to find Holden standing there. It takes me by surprise a little – he usually just texts me when he's outside.

"Hey." I greet him, turning and walking back over to my desk.

He steps in and closes the door behind him. "Almost ready? I have to be back soon."

"Yeah. Just trying to straighten the back of my head." I struggle to see in the small mirror.

Walking closer, he gently takes the brush out of my hand and runs it through my hair. When he takes the straightener in the other, I jump.

"Do you even know what to do with that thing?"

He laughs. "I have a sister, remember?"

I hesitantly turn my head back so he can straighten the rest of my hair, relaxing when I see that he does, in fact, know what he's doing. He bites his bottom lip as he concentrates on the small section of hair. I never thought I'd see him doing this, but I can't help but smile – it's endearing.

"Alright, I think you're done." He remarks, putting the hair straightener down and brushing one last time.

Taking a mirror into my hands, I go into the bathroom to look at the back of my head. "It looks good, and you didn't even burn me."

"Ha ha." He answers sarcastically. "You ready to go?"

I nod, and the two of us walk out the door. He waits for me to lock it before we head down the hallway.

"Nice sweatshirt, by the way." Holden quips.

I smirk. "Thanks. Some rando let me wear it, and it’s comfortable so I'm keeping it."

A bark of laughter emits from his mouth. "Some rando, huh? That's what I am to you?"

"Maybe." I shrug as he looks at me with amusement.

Reaching over, he takes my locket between his fingers. "I'm glad you're wearing it. It looks good on you."

"Thanks for returning it, thief."

"Alright, enough from you. Get in the car, brat. We've got places to be." He smacks my ass as I step in front of him, causing me to squeal.

I climb into the SUV and watch him in the mirror while he walks around to the driver's side. He's gorgeous. When he gets in, he puts on his seatbelt and starts the car before backing out of the parking space.

"What are we in such a rush for anyways?"