My jaw drops. "That's what you two were hiding?!" He chuckles and nods. "Oh, my God. I'm such an idiot. I am so sorry."

"Don't be. Your jealousy was adorable."

I roll my eyes playfully. I can only imagine what he was thinking as I accused him of getting back together with her. Meanwhile, they only were planning a surprise for me. I really need to learn how to relax more.

Dinner is mouthwatering. The two of us eat every bite, all while having great conversation. It's amazing to me how comfortable we are with each other. Despite everything we've been through, being around him still feels like home. However, we're once again dancing around the most important topic – us.

The night begins to wind down, and I start to feel disappointed. I had hoped we would leave here with a better understanding of what's going on with us. The thought of that not happening makes me uneasy. I'm terrified of getting hurt.

"Are you ready for dessert?" The waiter asks.

Holden looks to me but I subtly shake my head. "No, I think we're okay. Thank you."

The waiter excuses himself to get our check, and Holden reaches for his jacket.

"Oh, before I forget." He murmurs, taking a long box out of the inside pocket. "I have something that belongs to you."

He hands it to me gently. I place it down on the table and glance at him as I open it. Inside the box is my locket – the same one he took from me when he dropped me off at rehab.

"I wondered what happened to this." I whisper. "You held onto it?"

"I had to. It was the one thing I had of you."

I don't need to open it to know the previous contents aren't still inside. I'm sure Holden got rid of that as soon as he could. I thank him and pull the locket out of the box. Moving my hair out of the way, I clip it around my neck and adjust it to lay against my chest. I've missed this necklace, but I miss being with Holden more.

He looks as if he wants to say something, but decides against it. Instead, he just smiles and reaches out to hold my hand. Every part of me is screaming to say something, but the words just won't come out. For now, this will just have to be enough.

Chapter 13

The sun peaks through the blinds, landing on my face and waking me from a peaceful slumber. My eyes blink open while the back of my hand drapes across my forehead – effectively blocking the light. Looking around, I see that it's empty in here, however, just as I sit up, the door opens.

"Oh, good. You're awake." Bree greets me. "I brought you tea."

I grab Holden's sweatshirt from the end of my bed and pull it over my head. "You're a saint. Thank you."

She hands me the cup before taking her own and sitting on her bed. "So? How was last night?"

A broad smile spreads across my face. "It was beautiful, but you already knew that, you sneaky bitch."

Laughter bellows out of her mouth as she throws her head back. "I can't believe you thought something was going on with us!"

"In my defense, it looked really bad. You suck at lying."

"That's exactly why I don't do it." She chuckles. "But tell me everything, because I may have helped him plan it but I wasn't there."

I take a sip of my tea and snuggle deeper into the hoodie. "We went to dinner at a really nice restaurant, and then we went for a walk in the park nearby. It felt good to really talk again. I've missed that with him."

She looks confused for a moment, but quickly covers it with a smile. "Aw. Well I'm glad you two are in a good place."

"What was that look for?"

"What look?"

I narrow my eyes. "You're a horrible liar, remember?"

She shrugs guiltily. "Nothing. We just discussed something else, but I guess he changed his mind. That's all."

Bree grabs her phone and starts to text. Meanwhile, I get lost in her words. Was he going to ask me back out? Why didn't he? Did our date make him realize he doesn't want to get back together? I really hope not.