“You’re going out, again?!” He asks bitterly.

I roll my eyes, not wanting to deal with this. “Yes. I promised Jade I would go with her to the football game.”

“Are you ever going to introduce me to her? I feel like you spend so much time with this girl, yet I have no idea who she is.”

“What are you, my dad? You don’t need to meet my friends.”

He looks at me as if I’ve grown a second head. “No. I’m your boyfriend. You should WANT me to meet them.”

“Well, I don’t.” I put it simply.

I’ve purposely been avoiding them meeting at all costs. All it would take is for him to do a little digging and he would find out she’s dating the president of Phi Sigma Alpha. Not to mention, her drug addiction isn’t exactly a secret around campus. He’d figure everything out within a day and a half.

“What has gotten into you?” He presses. “What happened to the girl who wanted to spend every waking moment with me?”

I bite my lip in an attempt to keep in the words I don’t mean, but the gruesome effects of cocaine withdrawal cause them to tumble out.

“She realized there was more to life than idolizing a jock with a complex.”

I regret the words as soon as they leave my mouth. However, I don’t give him the chance to respond, walking out the door without a second glance. He’s hurt, but I’m out of coke.

Since that night, we’ve both been trying to be better. I’ve spent more time with him, but that’s mainly because I figured out how to discreetly hide my drugs and do them where he won’t know. I save all my eating for when him or Dawson can see me, vouching for the fact that I’m not restricting. Little do they know, I’m eating even less.

“I still don’t know how you get away with this.” Jade laughs, handing me the baggie of white powder.

I open my locket and place the bag inside, making sure it closes securely before putting it back around my neck. “Because I’m fantastic, duh.”

She rolls her eyes playfully. “I’m going to miss you.”

“Aw. It’s only a week. I’ll be back from Miami on Sunday.”

For Valentine’s Day, Holden gave me a plane ticket to Florida. That was his way of inviting me on Spring Break with him and his family. I didn’t mind. It’s not like the idea of going on vacation with Holden repulses me. I just don’t know how well it’ll go if we start to argue again.

I FINISH PACKING, PLACING my locket inside a layer of things. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified, but the risk of getting caught isn’t as bad as going a week without a high. As I zip my suitcase closed, I place it next to Holden’s by the door.

“Are you excited?” He asks.

I nod. “Yeah, it should be fun.”

Holden smiles, getting up and walking over to me. He drapes his arms lightly around my waist. “What have you done to me?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve never brought a girl home, but I brought you. I’ve never b

rought a girl on vacation, but I’m bringing you. I’ve never said I…”

The door flies open, interrupting the moment just as my heart was beginning to race. Holden closes his eyes, taking a breath before shaking his head and looking at the intruder crossly.

“Sorry.” Jason laughs. “Holden, Jesse wants to talk to you for a minute.”

I look at Holden, my expression perplexed. When I see that he’s just as confused, I start to feel sick. Jesse is the president of Kappa Delta Phi, and in all the time I’ve known Holden, he’s never asked to see him alone.

What if he knows what I’ve been up to?! What if someone told him I’ve been hanging around Phi Sigma Alpha? If Holden finds out, he’s going to make me choose. Fuck.

I spend the next fifteen minutes pacing around the room, waiting for my boyfriend to get back. When I hear him coming down the hallway, I sit on the bed and pull out my phone – trying to play it cool.

“Sorry about that.” He apologizes, kissing my cheek before climbing across me.