McKenna looks like she’s starting to float in and out of consciousness as I take out my phone and dial 9-1-1. Everyone is standing around staring at us, but no one is doing anything. Even the bartender watches on from his perch without even the slightest offer to help. By the third ring, I hang up. Screw waiting, she needs to get to the hospital now.

I pick her up in my arms and bolt towards the door. The crowd parts like Moses with the Red Sea as I run through them and outside. As soon as I get to my car, I manage to pull the keys from my pocket and unlock the door. McKenna slumps in the passenger seat, groaning as I buckle her. Once I’m done, I rush around to the driver’s side and jump in.

The drive to the hospital is a panicked one, but somehow I manage to formulate a logical thought.

“Hey Siri. Call Ivy Williams.”

The phone starts to ring through the speakers of the car, and within seconds, she answers the phone.

“Colton? Is everything okay?”

“No. There…” I take a deep breath to try and compose myself. “There was a fight. McKenna got caught in the crossfire. She’s hurt.”

Ivy gasps. “What the fuck do you mean she’s hurt?”

“It’s bad, Iv. She cracked her head open and she keeps passing out. I’m rushing her to the hospital now.”

“Shit. Okay, be careful. The last thing you need is to get in an accident.” I can hear the sound of keys jingling in the background. “Text me what hospital and I’ll meet you there.”

We hang up the phone just as I pull up to the emergency room. If I had obeyed any traffic laws, it probably would have taken a little longer. I run around to her side of the car, yelling that I need some help. She slumps in my arms as I lift her and carry her inside. Two nurses run over to me with a stretcher.

“What happened?”

I lay her down on it and follow them as they push her into a trauma room. “We were at a club. Some asshole shoved her and she hit her head on the railing.”

Within seconds, a doctor comes in and starts to evaluate her. “She’s got a head lac with a skull fracture. Run a CT to check for any intracranial hemorrhage.” He glances at me for a second. “Sir, I’m going to need you to wait outside.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

He shakes his head as he focuses on McKenna. “Your girlfriend is in good hands, but you need to let us do our job. Someone will come update you as soon as possible.”

I don’t want to leave, but if that’s what it takes for her to get the care she needs, I’ll do it. With one last kiss to her forehead, I reluctantly turn around and head for the waiting room.

IVY ARRIVES AT THE hospital much sooner than I thought she would. As soon as I see the wispy blonde hair, I relax. However, when her eyes meet mine, I begin to fear for my life. She marches toward me with a fury I’ve never seen on her before.

“What the fuck, Colton?! A bar fight? Are you fucking kidding me?!”

I stand up and raise my hands defensively. “It wasn’t my fault. Some asshat was hitting on her and when I tol

d him to back off, he wouldn’t. He swung first.”

“And that’s supposed to make it okay?!” The more she talks, the higher her voice gets. “You’re not a goddamn idiot. You know better than this shit. For God Sakes, you’re not a 21 year old kid anymore!”

Sitting back down, I run my hands over my head. “I know. Fuck, okay? I know. It’s just, when I saw him looking at her like a piece of meat, something came over me. I wanted to rip his head clean off his neck.”

“Yeah, well, you’re lucky the club didn’t call the cops.” She runs her fingers through her hair. “If you can’t handle seeing someone flirt with her, how are you going to be if she ends up going through with the wedding? Are you going to beat Parker’s ass, too?”

At the mention of her fiancé, my blood runs ice cold. “Shit, you didn’t call him, did you?!”

She looks at me as if I’ve grown an extra eye in the middle of my forehead. “Of course, I did. What did you expect? That she’d go home with a few staples in her head and no one would ask what happened?”

“I-is he coming here?!”

“He’s in love with her. What the hell do you think?”

I groan. “Fuck! How did all of this go to such shit?! Everything was perfect until that fuckwit had to go and ruin it.”

She gives me a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry I yelled. I know you didn’t mean for any of this to happen. But, you should probably get out of here.”