The club we arrive at is one that neither of us have been to before, but I’ve never heard a bad thing about it. The last time I got to dance with her wasn’t anywhere near long enough, so I’m rectifying that. I park the car and the two of us climb out, showing the bouncer our IDs before making our way inside. It’s a gorgeous place, with the bars lit up in neon lights and DJ on a platform high in front of the dance floor.

I place a hand on McKenna’s lower back as I lead us through the crowded place and over to the bar. Already knowing they have her wine, because I had a supply of it sent here last week, I order her a glass and get myself a beer. When I hand her the drink and she takes a sip, her eyes light up.

“They carry this here?!”

I shrug. “Sure. You could say that.”

Her eyes narrow on me. “What did you do?”

“I made a phone call to the mana

ger and insisted he give the stuff a shot. When he brushed me off, I offered to pay for the first shipment.”

“That’s an expensive glass of wine.” She murmurs over the rim of the glass.

The corners of my mouth raise. “I’d pay all the money in the world to keep that smile on your face.”

For the umpteenth time tonight, she blushes. I swear, I could spend every day of my life putting that pink tint in her cheeks and never tire of seeing it. Knowing I have that affect on her gives me all that much hope for us. Maybe one day we won’t have to sneak around. I’ll be able to take her to places in town for lunch, bring her flowers at work, hold her in front of her family – all things that seem so insignificant but would mean everything to me.

The two of us talk some more as we enjoy a couple of drinks. I make sure to pace myself, knowing I need to drive home, but McKenna doesn’t. By the time she finishes her third glass of wine, I can tell she’s starting to feel it. She grabs my hand and drags me onto the dance floor. Her body molds against mine like it was made for it. I wrap my arm around her and hold her close. Yeah, I could get used to this.

Songs change as the two of us move together, but it’s as if no one else is in the room. The only person that matters to either of us is each other. She looks up at me through her lashes and it’s like someone hit me in the chest with a battering ram. Staring into her eyes, I know with absolute certainty – there will never be anyone for me but her.

A little while later, we grab another round of drinks and stand at one of the high top tables near the bar. As much as I don’t want to leave her here alone, the urge to piss becomes too much to ignore. She insists I go, telling me she’ll stay to watch our drinks and hold the table.

Moving as quickly as possible, I do my business, wash my hands, and head back out. As soon as my eyes land on McKenna, I see red. There’s a man standing beside her, clearly unable to recognize the level of disinterest gracing her perfect face. I push through the crowd with more force than necessary, desperate to get to her before this douchebag can say anything else.

“Hey babe.” I greet her as I put my hand on her lower back. She instantly relaxes at the sound of my voice.


The asshole standing way too close for my liking looks me up and down before scoffing. “Really? You’re with this tool? Honey, I can show you a much better time.”

Mac shakes her head and leans into my touch, trying to put some distance between her and him. “I’m okay. Thank you though.”

Leave it to McKenna to still try to be polite while this guy is practically salivating over her. I really should have thought it through before I had her wear that dress. She looks breathtaking in anything, but the way the material accents her every curve – it could easily bring any man to his knees, myself included.

“Come on, baby.” The dumbass with a death wish continues, reaching forward and grabbing her hand. “Leave with me. Let me show you what you’re missing.”

That’s it. I can’t watch this anymore. I move so that I’m standing in between them, my back to McKenna. I’m shielding her like a body guard as I grab his wrist and forcefully remove his hold on her. Now that I’m standing this close to him, I can smell the alcohol in his breath. He’s drunk.

“Listen man, she’s not interested. There are plenty of women here. How about you go find someone who is.”

He runs his eyes over my body, obviously sizing me up. “Who the fuck are you to decide what she wants?”

“Her boyfriend, and I’m not opposed to doing whatever it takes to keep her safe from guys like you.”

Looking as if he’s given up, he turns around and takes a step away. I relax my shoulders and wait for him to leave but at the last minute he spins back and lands a right hook directly to my cheek bone. The hit catches me off guard, but as soon as I realize what happened, I strike. Using all of my body weight, I tackle him to the ground. The sound of McKenna screaming behind me barely even registers. I land punch after punch to his face, watching as blood spews from his mouth.

“Don’t you ever fucking look her way again!”

Finally, the sound of Mac begging me to stop echoes through my brain. I’m distracted for only half a second before the mother fucker manages to buck me off of him. He gets up, shoving McKenna out of his way as he runs toward the exit. The suddenness of the attack throws her off balance and she doesn’t have a chance to steady herself. Instead, she flies backwards and slams her head on the metal railing. It’s as if it happens in slow motion and my every fear becomes a horrifying reality.

“Shit, McKenna!” I scurry to my feet and rush to her side. “Are you okay?”

“M-my head.” She groans, pulling her hand away to find it covered in blood. The force in which she hit the bar must have cracked her head open. “I’m bleeding?”

I grab a wad of napkins from the table and hold them firmly to her head. “It’s okay, baby. It’s going to be okay.”