“I was a stupid, naïve, little boy who was too scared of what his best friend would think to realize what was standing right in front of my face.”
It’s brutal, and honest, and real. He’s not saying it as an excuse or to justify his actions. He simply wants me to know that he understands the mistake he made. I can’t help myself as I lean over the lantern and give him a quick kiss, but then I sit back because I need to lay this out.
“I’m not leaving Parker.” He opens his mouth to speak but I put one finger up. “Not yet, anyway. I meant what I said about not going anywhere. You want the chance to fight for us, and I’m giving it to you. But I’m not going to leave him until I’m sure.”
Colton breaks our eye contact and looks over at the ocean but nods. “Understandable. You need to learn to trust me again.”
“So, you’re okay with it?”
“Well, I’m not saying I like it. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to see someone else’s hands on you and not want to rip them to shreds. But, I want you and if dealing with that for now gives me the chance at that, then I guess I’m going to have to be.”
AN HOUR AND A half into our date, the food is long gone and we’re just lying on the blanket – listening to the waves and talking. I tell him stories about Julia and me in college, and he tells me all the things I’ve missed since being home. That’s one thing I’ve never forgotten about him. Anything I talk about, he listens with 100% of his attention, not to be polite but because he’s genuinely interested.
As the conversation starts to die down, there’s one thing on my mind I’ve been dying to know.
“Can I ask you something?”
He looks over at me and his eyebrows furrow. “Anything. What do you want to know?”
“Why won’t you let anyone see the plans for the house you’re building?”
“Ah, going straight for the jugular.”
I giggle and turn my head back to the stars. “I know it’s not because you’re self-conscious about it. You run all your ideas by those closest to you. Why is this one different?”
“Because this one didn’t need anyone else’s opinion. It’s perfect just the way I designed it.”
“Can I see it?”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “Maybe one day, but not any time soon. And besides, what if I am self-conscious about it?”
“Oh please. I’ve seen the houses you’ve designed. Hell, I live in one of them.”
“Caught onto that, did you?”
I smile. “Parker saw your name in the paperwork. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“You were still in that ‘stay the fuck away from me or I’ll kill you’ phase. I was afraid if I told you, it would ruin the place for you.”
My arm covers my eyes as I laugh. “You make me sound so violent.”
“Hey, I watched you punch a girl in the face once.”
“Oh my god. That was eight years ago and she cut off my hair!”
“Still happened.” He teases and chuckles when I smack his side.
There are a million things that should be going through my mind as I lie here with him - one of which being my fiancé - but as I listen to the waves crash against the shore and cuddle closer into Colton’s side, I can’t be bothered with any of it. Tonight, I’m giving myself what I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember. Tonight, is perfect.
I go through my closet, tossing everything that won’t suffice onto the bed. My room is starting to look like an absolute wreck but I don’t care. Instead of going shopping for my interview like I was supposed to, I went on a date with Colton. And instead of going the next day like I planned, I met up with Colton on his lunch break. Needless to say, as much as I love spending so much time with him – it’s distracting. Now, I’m stuck finding something to wear out of the things I already own.
“Bloody hell, what happened in here?” Parker asks as I toss another sheer shirt across the room. You can’t wear sheer to an interview. Especially not one at an elementary school.
“I can’t find a single thing to wear an