d I forgot to go shopping.”

“Ah.” He walks over next to me and holds up a tight fitting black dress. “What about this one?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “I’m trying to get a job as a kindergarten teacher Parker, not a damn prostitute.”

Placing the dress back where he got it, he raises his hands in surrender. “I’ll just stay out of your way then.”

“Probably a good idea.”

I take out my phone and send an SOS text to Ivy, telling her I need something to wear for my interview, stat. My mouth is dry and I realize that in the midst of my freak out, I forgot to have anything to drink this morning. I go downstairs just as the doorbell rings. My eyebrows furrow as I pull it open to reveal a flower delivery man.

“I have a delivery for Miss McKenna Taylor.”

“That’s me.” I tell him and take the paper to sign for the beautiful arrangement. Once I’m done, I hand it back to him and he hands me the vase.

“Have a nice day, ma’am.”

“You too.”

I bring the flowers into the kitchen and place them down on the island. When I spot the card sticking out of them, I pull it off so I can read it.

Good luck at your interview, Princess. They’re going to love you. – Colton

“McKenna? Was there someone at the door?” Parker ask as he walks into the kitchen and spots the flowers. I quickly shove the card into the waistband of my yoga pants. “Oh, someone got you flowers?”

I nod. “Ivy wanted to wish me luck on my interview.”

“That was very kind of her. She’s a good friend.”

“The best.” I murmur, trying to calm myself from that close call.

God forbid I had decided to get in the shower before getting a drink. Parker would have been the one to sign for the flowers and he would have seen the card. Either Colton is just downright stupid, or he did it on purpose. Regardless, I’m pissed.

I grab my phone from the counter and open mine and his text thread.

McKenna: Are you out of your fucking mind?!

While I wait for his response, I take a few sips of water and try to calm myself down but it’s no use. Between my nerves about this interview and the way Colton almost just blew our cover, I can barely handle anything this morning.

Colton: Uh, what?

McKenna: The flowers. Are you insane?

Colton: You don’t like them? They’re your favorite.

Leave it to him to play dumb in this situation. He’s a multi-million-dollar architect. He’s anything but idiotic.

McKenna: I see that, and they’re beautiful, but Parker almost saw the card. Why on earth would you think delivering flowers to my house is a good idea?!

Colton: I just wanted to wish you luck.

McKenna: No, what you WANTED was for Parker to find the card and see that they came from you.

Colton: …

I scoff.

McKenna: Unbelievable. YOU are unbelievable.