“Right, sorry. What the fuck happened?”

I take a deep breath then explain everything to her – the tattoo being something he did intentionally, my brother’s comment about how Colton hasn’t hooked up with anyone since a ‘mystery chick’ four years ago, how he followed me up to my bedroom when I needed some space. She l

istens intently and waits for me to finish before speaking.

“Damn. I mean, the tattoo doesn’t surprise me. I never believed you meant nothing to him. Anyone with eyes can see the way he looks at you. Well, everyone except your brother, apparently.”

“Not helping.”

“Okay, think of it this way then. Maybe it was just something he needed to get out of his system. Now it is.”

I groan frustratedly. “That’s the problem. I don’t want it to be out of his system.”

It takes a minute to click in her head, but when it does, her eyes widen. “Oh fuck. You’re still in love with him.”

“Okay, let’s not make this bigger than it is. I didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t have to. It’s all over your face. That kiss meant something to you.”

The butterflies in my stomach flutter as I replay it in my head. I can still feel the tight hold he had on me, pulling my body against his. He kissed me in a way that told me he needed it like he needs air to breathe. When I felt his dick harden in his jeans, I wanted nothing more than to fall back into bed with him. Meanwhile, my fiancé was right downstairs – worrying about my mental wellbeing.

“Of course, it did. This is Colton we’re talking about. I don’t think he’ll ever be able to kiss me and it not mean anything, but it doesn’t matter.”

She looks at me as if I’ve grown a second head. “Uh, how exactly does it not matter?”

“Because it doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t make it so I’m not marrying Parker.”

“Well, no, but you could make it so you’re not. If Colton is who you want, you don’t have to go through with the wedding.”

She’s right, but I’m not willing to let myself even consider that. “He broke my heart once. I won’t give him the opportunity to do it again. I can’t.”

She looks as if she wants to say something but ultimately decides against it and nods once. Just like that, we leave the conversation about Colton and what that kiss could have meant in the past – right where it belongs. The two of us spend the day watching movies and eating junk food. It’s everything I needed to distract my mind and relax.

QUARTER PAST FIVE, THE sound of the front door opening lets us know that Parker’s home. He places his keys on the table by the door and comes into the living room less than a minute later. When he sees Ivy and I cuddled under every blanket we own, his eyebrows furrow.

“You’re not ready?”

I rack my brain to try to figure out what he’s talking about, but I come up empty. “Ready for what?”

“Maverick’s birthday dinner. We have to be at the restaurant in an hour.”

“Shit! I completely forgot.”

I remove myself from the little cocoon I made with my best friend and head for the stairs. I’m halfway up them when I hear Ivy saying goodbye to Parker. As soon as she gets to the front door and I realize she’s leaving, panic ensues.

“Y-you’re not coming?”

“I can’t. I have a date, remember?”

“Ugh!” I drop my voice down to a whisper. “How am I supposed make it through seeing him tonight without you?”

“You’ll be fine. Tatum will be there, and your brother. He won’t do anything in front of them.”

I give her a knowing look that silently tells her how wrong she is. After spending an entire summer together, he learned how to get away with so many things in front of Maverick. She chuckles before giving me a hug and heading out.

WE GET TO THE restaurant a couple minutes late, mainly because I took as long as I possibly could to get ready. Even still, I need a moment before facing Colton again, so I tell Parker I’ll meet him at the table and head to the bathroom.

The room is freezing, but thankfully empty. I have the urge to splash some water on my face, but unless I want to look like a raccoon, I better not. I do, however, touch up my makeup. The bright lights in these places always make it easier to see.