After giving myself a rather motivating pep talk, I head out and over to where everyone is seated. As soon as I see them, I immediately regret not getting here earlier. The table is completely filled with my brother and everyone who loves him, and there’s only one seat left for me – between Colton and Parker.


There are certain things you’re obligated to do in life. To be a good student, I had to do all my work and study hard. To be a good daughter, I had to stay away from drugs and not break the law. And to be a good sister, I have to sit at this dinner with Colton on my left and Parker to my right.

The feeling of eyes being burned into the side of my head could be coming from one of two places – either Colton himself, or Tatum as she watches him and I like a hawk. It’s not like I wanted to be in this position. I would have preferred to sit in Parker’s seat, next to Roman. At least he didn’t kiss me last night and throw me into complete mental turmoil. Unfortunately, my fiancé took the seat next to Rome and it would gain way too much attention if I asked him to switch.

The hibachi restaurant is rather busy for a Monday night. Chefs at different tables flip their spatulas and move food around the grill like they’re putting on the show of their lives. It’s mesmerizing to see how they’ve perfected their craft. From cracking the egg without their hands to creating a volcano out of onion slices – the whole thing is something no one wants to look away from.

A waitress comes to take mine and Parker’s orders. While usually I would go with a water, my ex being this close makes me feel like I need something alcoholic. Once she walks away to put our choices in, Maverick leans behind Colton and closer to me.

“McKenna, I’m really sorry about dinner yesterday. I was out of line.”

I can always tell when he’s being sincere because he uses my name instead of the nickname I have such a love/hate relationship with. Still, at the mention of the events that lead to the moment in my bedroom, my whole body goes tense. I take a deep breath and remind myself he doesn’t know anything other than I got upset and left.

“It’s fine. I overreacted. Don’t worry about it.”

“Are you sure? You seemed pretty worked up.”

“Mav, it was nothing, really. There was nothing significant about last night.”

The double meaning is obvious and I can tell Colton hears it. He always listening, even if he makes it look like he’s not. Avoiding the shift in his body, I smile at my brother and turn my attention back to Parker, though he’s fully immersed in a conversation with Roman – something about why Americans call a sport football when they rarely touch the ball with their feet. Leave it to Rome to bring up one of few topics that gets his blood pumping.

The feeling of a hand on my thigh causes me to freeze. Colton squeezes just enough to get my attention. I smile at the waitress as she hands me my drink. Bringing it to my mouth, I speak in hushed tones.

“What the hell are you doing?”

He pulls my leg towards him and leans in closer. “You know as well as I do that last night was anything but insignificant.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

He snickers darkly and shakes his head. “We’re going to have to talk about it sooner or later.”

“We don’t.” I rid myself of his touch and turn my whole body away from him.

This would be a lot easier had I been sitting anywhere near Tatum. She would keep me distracted and make sure Colton kept his hands where they belong – in his own damn lap. Instead, both Maverick and Colton are between us. I know better than to believe the empty seat being next to my ex was a coincidence.

The chef arrives at our table. All conversation stops as he goes over our orders and starts the show. He lights a fire that covers the majority of the grill. The heat makes all of us recoil back a little. Just as I take a sip of my drink, Colton pretends to scratch his calf as an excuse to get closer to me.

“I’ve always found it so sexy that you’d rather drink a beer than some fruity cocktail.”

I roll my eyes

but the corners of my mouth raise involuntarily. Judging by the way he smiles, I can tell he noticed.

The food is delicious, as usual. Maverick picking this place wasn’t a surprise to me at all. It’s been our favorite restaurant for years.

Halfway through eating my meal, Colton reaches over and takes one of my pieces of filet mignon.

“Do you mind?”

“Nope.” He stares into my eyes and grins, shoving the piece of steak into his mouth. “Wow. That’s really good. I should have gotten that.”

His fork comes closer to grab another but I smack it away. “Stick to your chicken, Brooks.”

“Oh, come on. Didn’t your mother teach you sharing is caring?”

“Yes, but you’re assuming I care.”