One of thebest parts of my job is that when it's dead, I can study for finals. With pregnancy comes a whole range of different things. One minute I'll feel perfectly fine, and the next, I'm puking my guts out because I let a piece of avocado touch my tongue. So, I need to take any time to study that I can.

“Kennedy Madison!”

Well, there goes studying.

Amelia storms over to the bar and throws herself onto a barstool. I try to keep my attention on the screen, but I can feel her eyes burning into the side of my face. Honestly, I should've expected this the second Easton texted me about it.

“What the fuck is this shit I hear that you're not telling us the gender yet?”

I look over at her and smile sweetly. “We have so many friends. We just want to tell you all at once. Like a gender reveal party.”

She crosses her arms and rests them on the bar. “You are not the type to want a blue or pink colored cake or explosions. You're doing this to torture me.”

“I am not,” I say with a chuckle.

“You are. You want to see me suffer.”

Closing my computer, I sigh. “We just want to make it special and tell you all at the same time. That way no one feels left out.”

That seems to soften her a little. “Fair, but this is my niece or nephew. I think I deserve to know first.”

“Sorry, babe.”

She scoffs. “But Easton gets to know!”

“Easton's the dad,” I snicker. “He helped make this baby. It gives him certain perks.”

“And one of those perks isn't getting you back?” Her brows raise, and a small smirk is displayed on her face.

All the playfulness is sucked out of the room as the smile falls off my face. “Amelia.”

“What? A girl can hope, can't I?”

“It's just not the time to even consider it,” I tell her honestly. “We're in a good place, him and me, but that's all the more reason not to risk it. It's not something I'm taking off the table forever, but it's not just the two of us anymore. There's a baby to think about.”

She tilts her head to the side. “And this baby, will they be wearing a dress or a tux at my wedding?”

“You're a terror,” I deadpan.

“I know.”

The angelic smile she gives me is such a crock of shit. The girl acts like a saint, but she's forgetting that I've seen the devious side of her. The side that gets what she wants no matter what it takes. The part of her that wanted to walk on the wild side so bad, she dated a psychotic drug dealer who literally set our dorm room on fire.

Amelia walks around the bar and gets herself a soda. “I can't believe neither one of you will tell me. He wouldn't even tell our parents last night.”

Shit, I forgot he planned on breaking the news of the pregnancy to them. “You were there?”

“Yeah. I hadn't seen them in a little over a week, so I went with him.” I give her a don't-bullshit-me look. “And because I wanted to eavesdrop.”

“That sounds more accurate,” I say, amused. “So, how'd it go? Is he still alive? Is he on his way to join the monastery and become a monk?”

She purses her lips. “Actually, that's not a bad idea. Mom would like that.”


Chuckling, she finally takes mercy on me. “Okay, okay. No, it went fine. I mean, Mom nearly lost her shit when she found out he lied to you and went behind your back, but then she got all lost in baby thoughts and nursery plans.”

My brows raise. “He told them why we broke up?”