“Well, yeah. He didn't want them to think any less of you for leaving him.”

I throw my head back and groan. “God, he makes this so hard!”

“Who's hard?” Tye's voice echoes through the nearly empty bar as she comes in.

Amelia glances back at her. “Easton is being all chivalrous and gentlemanly and it's testing Kennedy's restraints.”

Instead of walking around the bar, Tye hops up onto it and dangles her feet on the inside. “So, go fuck it out of your system.”

“Oh, gross,” Amelia whines and cringes.

“What?” Tye questions. “She deserves a medal for resisting him. Your brother's hot, Meelz.”

Amelia feigns gagging and throws a hand over her mouth. “I think I might vomit.”

“His eyes and those muscles,” Tye continues.

“Keep going,” Amelia encourages. “I'm sure Carter will love to hear all of this.”

Tyeler gasps. “You wouldn't dare.”

A devilish grin stretches across Amelia's face. “Bet me.”

“Okay, while you two are being children, I have to pee,” I tell them. “Sharing a bladder and all that.”

They both wave me off, and Amelia immediately turns back to Tye. “Did you hear they won't tell us the gender until Saturday?”

“I know! It's such bullshit!”

“I heard that!” I call out.

“You were meant to,” they answer in unison.


IS THERE SUCH THING as filling my brain too much? I honestly think that if I study any more, my whole brain is just going to explode. Useless facts and equations will just go flying everywhere, making a mess of my room and leaving this baby without a mother. I can almost read my tombstone now.

Kennedy Lehigh

Death by Boredom

And Easton will need to raise our child on his own. They'll end up thinking cereal is a suitable dinner and beer is the equivalent to water. Oh God, no one can ever let Easton be a single father. Our baby would never stand a chance.

My phone rings and pulls me from my irrational thoughts.


“Hey,” Alec's voice comes through. “What are you up to?”

I lay down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. “Contemplating if college degrees are really worth all the stress we put ourselves through for them.”

He chuckles. “Of course they're not. It'll just be a piece of paper you can hang on your wall to make you look smart.”

“Are you calling me stupid, Alec?” I tease.

“That depends. Are your hormones making you extra stabby today?”
