I lie down on the blanket, propping myself up on my elbow, and look around. "The time I spent here, I thought I had everything. I mean, Carter and I practically ran this school. But one thing I wish I could change is us."

She listens carefully, not interrupting for a second as I take the advice Carter gave me almost two years ago. I should've listened to it then. I won't make that mistake now.

"If I had a re-do button, I would have told you how I felt about you from the start," I confess. "The first time I saw you, you took Carter's skateboard and told him to fuck off when he said you were going to fall. You were so fearless, and I couldn’t stop watching you. Fuck, Paige, you didn’t fall, but I did. Maybe not that day. Maybe not that week, even. But one day I looked at you, and it’s like everything changed. All I wanted was to be around you. To be the center of your attention at all times. But I got scared. You were my best friend, and I didn't want to ruin that, so I didn't try anything. Convinced myself it was never going to happen.

"Halfway through senior year, you got your acceptance into SCU, and I already knew I was going to Florida State. We were going to be on opposite sides of the country. For the first time since we were kids, I wasn't going to be around you every day, and that scared the hell out of me.

"The thought started setting in that I would never really know what could happen with us if I didn't try. And so, the night of our first kiss, I got super drunk and got up the courage to at least flirt with you a little."

She lets out a giggle. "I thought you had just run out of girls to sleep with."

I shake my head. "No. I had no intention of sleeping with you that night. Though I probably wouldn't have stopped you from initiating it."

After smacking me in the arm, she leans over and kisses me. I cup her face as my mouth moves with hers, and I know nothing is ever going to change this for me.

"You need to know that you were never just someone I was having a good time with, or using to pass the time," I tell her honestly. "I'll admit, I was really hurt when you ghosted me, and I convinced myself that I hated you. But after hearing why you did it, I realized it was no one's fault but my own, because I should have told you. I should've manned up and told you that we were something more than a hookup. So, I'm telling you now.

"You and I both have a lot going on, but I want to say it now, so you know. I'm yours, Paige. Today, tomorrow, and always. I know we both agreed that we weren't ready for a relationship right now, and I respect that. But I just want you to know that when you're ready, I'm all yours."

As she blinks, a tear escapes and slides down her face. She takes a deep breath before a wet laugh bubbles out of her.

"I thought I was just some stupid girl with one-way feelings for a boy who would never feel the same about me."

I smile up at her, and pull her down into me. "Not even close, babe."

At some point in every relationship, you reach that nerve-wracking time where you need to meet the parents. Now, it may be different for me, because I've known Jace's family since I was little, but I've never known them as my boyfriend's parents. Sure, we never really defined it, but I don't think there is a better word for him than that, so I'm going with it.

A few days ago, his mom called and asked if he would come to dinner. Apparently, he’s spent most of the time he’s been back here avoiding them as much as possible. I understand why he did it at the time, but there’s no reason for it now. I stood firm and told him he has to go, and it backfired right in my face when he said he would, but only if I came with him.

"What are you so nervous about?" Jace teases from the driver's seat.

I huff as I try to settle down. "I don't know! It just feels different this time."

He reaches over and covers my hand with his own while the other stays on the steering wheel. "You're going to be fine. They already love you."

"No. They love the version of me that used to ride bikes with you and laugh at your stupid boy jokes." I turn to look out the window and watch as we pull into his development. "Things are different now."

"I tried to change my password to penis, but it said it was too short."

A loud cackle bellows out of me involuntarily. Jace smiles proudly and shrugs.

"See? You still laugh at my stupid boy jokes. Nothing is different."

He pulls the car into the driveway. All the lights in the house are on, and it feels just as homey as it always has, but my nerves are still off the charts. Jace climbs out of the car and comes around to my side, opening the door for me and helping me out.

With my fingers laced with his, the two of us make our way inside. The scent of whatever the chef is cooking for dinner wafts through the house, and it smells delicious. Before I have a second to get a handle on myself, though, Jace leads us out of the foyer and into the living room. Jace's parents and his little brother are all sitting on the couch, and it looks like they're going over Brax's report card.

"I just don't understand how you manage to get a D in English," Mr. London says. "It's the language you speak!"

Jace chuckles. "No. He speaks little punk. There's a difference."

All their heads turn to us, and both his parents' eyes light up. His mom gets up and comes to hug us both hello while his dad watches on happily.

"Paige," his mom coos. "It's so good to see you again."

"It's good to see you, too," I tell her honestly. "It's been a long time."

"That it has." She turns to her son and places an over-exaggerated kiss on his cheek, leaving a lipstick mark. "You look good. Better."