I look down at my hands and start cracking my knuckles—a nervous habit. "Things just never really work out for me, so I guess I'm just constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, or for it to go wrong."

She gives me a knowing look. "And how's that been working out for you?"

I can't help but laugh. "Does my dad pay you to be a smart-ass?"

"Not exactly," she teases. "But I formed my own practice so I could do whatever I want."

Talking to her now, I realize she's not as bad as I thought. I mean, no part of me regrets being quiet through those sessions we had. Especially because I don't know how far this doctor-patient confidentiality goes. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if my father paid her extra just to get her to rat me out. But today, she seems all right.

"Well, at least you're not one of those boring doctors that put you to sleep."

She makes a sound of disgust. "I went to one of those when I was a child. I honestly would rather watch paint dry."

Yeah, okay. She's pretty cool.

The two of us spend the rest of the session talking about Paige and other things. She let

s me lead the conversation, careful to stay away from topics I'm obviously not comfortable with yet. Who knows if I ever will be. But by the time I leave, I do know one thing, and that's where I'm taking Paige for our date.

IT TAKES A BIT of planning, and a little more than a few favors pulled in, but I manage to make it happen. Paige sits in the passenger seat as I drive through town. To her, it probably looks like we're going to one of our houses. She doesn't get really confused until I pull up to our old high school, Haven Grace Prep.

Since it's the weekend, there are no people here, but I still had to get permission so no one called the cops on us. Luckily, Principal Hyland has loved me since Carter and I were on the football team. Let's just say he has a soft spot for anything sport related.

"What are we doing here?" Paige questions as I put the car in park.

I look over at her, noticing how the sun rests on her face and makes her look like an actual angel. God, she's stunning, even when she doesn't try.

"Just trust me, okay?"

The two of us get out of the car, and as she walks around toward me, I take her hand in mine. It's a little cold, so I'm glad I made the choices I did.

Instead of going into the school, I lead her around back to the football field we both spent four years together on—me with football and her cheerleading. The second she sees it, her face lights up.

Sitting in the middle of the field is a picnic blanket, surrounded by outdoor heaters to keep us warm. I couldn't exactly cook her favorite foods, but I definitely made sure to order everything she loves.

"You did all this?"

I nod. "You deserve something special."

We make our way over to the picnic blanket and both sit down. Paige keeps looking around, almost as if she can't believe this is really happening. Honestly though, I can't blame her.

Dates, or anything romantic for that matter, have never really been in my character. I guess I was always too self-absorbed to want to do anything for anyone but myself. Selfish, I know. But seeing the way Paige stopped everything to help me made me see how things are supposed to be. When you care about someone, everything changes.

Your mindset.

Your outlook.

Your wants.

Your needs.

Now, my only goal is to make her happy.

"I can't believe you did this," she says excitedly. "How?"

"Carter helped, a few favors with the school, and then I ordered all your favorites from every restaurant we've been to for the past couple months." I reach over and take her hand in mine. "I just wanted something to show you how special you are."
