Page 39 of Fractured Chances

He looks me over with a dirty smirk. I may be too old for his clientele but in the end, I’m still a lonely, helpless female in his eyes. “Sure, uh…” he asks and extends his hand for a handshake.

I try not to cringe at the thought of touching his hand. I focus on my mission. “It’s Kate. And you are?” I ask him.

“I’m Harry. It’s nice to meet you. Come on in,” he says as he steps aside, still, I notice, close enough for me to brush against him as I pass.

I try to hold it together because I’ve accomplished my first goal. I’m in the house. Now I need to find out if the kids and that young woman are still here.

“Let me take your bag,” he says reaching out to touch me.

I pull away and then try to play it off. “I’m sorry. I just have some really embarrassing things in it, you know, being a woman. I’d rather hold on to it if you don’t mind?”

“Oh, I’m sure I wouldn’t mind seeing what kind of stuff you’ve got in there. But, I’ll respect the lady’s privacy.” He smiles.

Ugh. I could throw up. We’re both standing here, staring at each other and he must have realized how awkward this moment is because he finally breaks the silence, saying, “Oh, uh, I guess you can camp out here.” He points to the couch.

“Thanks,” I say. “I really appreciate it and I hope I didn’t disturb your sleep?”

“Oh, no. I was just going to bed unless you want me to stay out here and keep you company.” He moves in closer to me and I want to stab him in the throat.

All in due time, Julissa,I soothe myself, first I have to wait until he’s gone to bed so that I can explore the house.

“Oh, and bathroom’s just over here.” He motions as he walks toward a small lit hallway. “If you want to get freshened up.” His eyes roam over me as we stand at the door.

“Thank you,” I say, glancing past him at the two other doors in the hallway. Those must be the kids’ rooms. Noted.

“Okay, and if you need anything. I’ll be just upstairs.” He smiles. “I’d come running for you if you wanted me to.”

The only thing that he can look forward to running is fucking diarrhea in his diapers. I feign flattery and step into the bathroom that’s spotless, closing the door behind me. I’m sure he isn’t the one that’s kept it spotless. He must be working these kids so fucking hard.

Okay, so now that I’m in, I have to make sure that everything goes without a hitch. I can’t let myself react too impulsively because the goal is to leave this place with the kids, getting them to safety after I kill shit for brains and his accomplice. I splash some water on my face, flush the toilet, wash my hands and open the door, running into his grimy ass. “I just thought, if you’d like anything to eat or drink. Help yourself.” He leads me to the kitchen.

“Thank you so much,” I say. “Do you live here alone? How can you stand it all alone out here?”

“I like the quiet. But no, I’ve got grandkids and a lady waiting for me in my bed.” He winks at me and I’m barely holding it together. The thought of him going upstairs to go be with her pains me. I want to knock his ass out right now. But I’ve gotta search the house first, know how many people are here and if anyone’s going to jump out at me to defend him.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I start to whisper, “I hope I didn’t wake them?”

“No worries,” he says. “Well, I’m off to bed.” He makes his way up the stairs. “Make yourself comfortable.”

Tough luck with that happening. I make my way to the couch and I wait until all movements have stopped. Then I throw on two holsters for two of my handguns. I tuck some knives in my pockets and I keep a shotgun in my hand.

I know I’m about to terrify the children but I’m not going to open their doors without being armed. I don’t know who’s in there with them. I tiptoe down the hallway and pause to listen for any other footsteps to know if I’m being watched or followed. When I hear nothing, I softly knock on one of the doors, my back facing the end of the hallway as I lean my shoulder up against the wall to make sure no one can come up behind me. “Hello,” I whisper. No one comes, I mean, why would they? Some weirdo is at their door, whispering and knocking. I knock again. “Please, I’m here to help you,” I whisper with a few more knocks. The door creaks and a little boy looks up at me. “Hi, what’s your name?” I ask him but he just stares at me without speaking. “Is there anyone else in the room with you?”

He shakes his head, “No.”

I’m too paranoid to take his word for it so I ask him, “Do you mind if I come in and look around?”

He hesitates. Smart boy. I smile. I try to reassure him. “Are you being held here against your will?”

He shrugs and my heart breaks.

“That’s okay. That’s okay. Listen, I know that man can be a horrible person, isn’t he?” I ask him and he looks at the floor. “But I can help you to get out of here. Would you like that?” He looks like he’s about to scream for help. He is probably trained to alert Harry if someone comes into the house and starts asking questions. I don’t want to have to do this but I get nervous, thinking it’s my only choice at the moment. I point my shotgun at him just to scare him, I’d never hurt him. “Don’t scream. Be very quiet, okay?” His eyes widen at the sight of my gun and then his lips begin to tremble. I feel like a piece of shit but I have to remind myself that I’m just trying to ensure that we all get out of this alive.

“Come, step out here. And don’t try to run, okay? If you run, you’re going to wake someone up and if you do, we could all get in trouble. What does he do when you guys get in trouble?” I ask him.

The boy starts to break out in sobs. Oh, I just can’t help but try to comfort him. I reach forward and pull him into a hug. “It’s okay. You’re okay. If you help me out, he’ll never get to hurt you again. Do you understand?”

He steps out in the hallway and I push the door back to make sure that there is no one standing behind it. I turn the light on and start moving around the room. There’s not much in it, just a bed, a few toys, and a closet. I open the closet door to make sure no one’s hiding in there either and I search to make sure the kid doesn’t have a cellphone for him to call the cops on me or Harry before I get a chance to get my job done here. Once I’ve done a clean sweep, I check his windows to make sure they’re completely locked and they are, as in they can’t be opened which means, the kid couldn’t escape out the windows if he wanted to.