Page 40 of Fractured Chances

Once I’ve made sure that the room is good to go, I tell him. “Listen, kid, I want you to lock this door and don’t come out, okay? Some things are going to happen in this house tonight that might scare you. I don’t want you to get hurt. So no matter what you hear, don’t open this door unless I come back or unless the coast is clear. Okay? I’m going to do everything to make sure you’re safe.”

As I tell him this, he pees himself and I hear the other door crack open. I look to see the younger girl. I feel horrible that his pants are soaked but there’s not much I can do about it right now. “Go in the room, change your clothes and lock the door, okay?” I say to the young boy and he hurries into his room. I hear the key turning.

“Hi, you must be his sister,” I say to her. She’s standing in her nightgown, trembling. “It’s okay. I know you’ve been through some horrible things. Are you alone in the room right now?” I ask her.

“Y-y-yeah,” she stutters. “Are you a cop?” she asks me. “I tried calling the cops,” she says.

Oh, I bet she did and the fuckers didn’t show up. My chest tightens knowing she tried to escape and couldn’t. She probably even got punished for calling the cops. I try to conceal the wickedness that rises within me as I think about what I’m going to do when I get my hands on them. “Um. Let’s say, I’m better than the cops. You probably heard what I was telling your brother?” I ask.

“He’s not my brother,” she whispers.

I try not to react. “Okay, listen. Do you mind stepping out here so I can search your room to make sure no one’s in there?”

She looks from me to the exit. “Look, you’ll be able to make a run for it once I make sure the coast is clear, okay? But for now, I need you to do as I say, okay? Step out of the room.”

She does and I do a quick sweep of the room in the dark. “Do you have a cellphone?” I ask her when I’m back into the hallway.

“We’re not allowed,” she tells me.

I nod. “Okay and is the other young woman that lives here your mom?”

She shakes her head to tell me no.

“Thanks for answering these questions for me. Is she here?” I ask her.

She nods. Awesome. I’m relieved that I came here in time. When I saw the pimp yesterday, I was afraid he’d come to take them away. I sigh. “Where is she?” I ask.

She points upstairs.

“Is there anyone else here besides you guys, the old man, and the woman upstairs?” I ask her.

She shakes her head. She’s already so helpful, I can see the twinkle of hope in her eyes. I can’t let this kid down. I have no choice but to get out of this alive and to take them with me. “Okay, I’ve got an idea, would you like to help me with it? I’ll be right there with you and you don’t have to be scared, alright?”

She nods. I continue. “I need you to show me the room where the old man sleeps and then I need you to knock on his door and call his name. Then I want you to stand behind me, okay? When I tell you to run, you run, okay?”

She nods and we both climb the stairs quietly together. She leads me to the door and I can hear her little heartbeat going crazy. My gun is tucked by my side. I nod at her and she knocks. “Uncle Harry,” she calls. She knocks and calls a couple more times until I hear him get up in anger as if he can’t believe that she’s come out of her room, especially when he has a visitor.

He starts making his way to the door and I tell her to hide behind me. When he opens the door, I bash him in the head with my gun. “Okay, run to your room and hide. Do not open the door until I tell you to, okay?” The little girl runs away from me but she doesn’t seem as scared as I thought she would be, then it hits me that she’s probably seen worst. I open the room door to see the young woman, lying on his bed, one arm chained to the bedpost.

I enter the room, pointing my gun in the air as I hold my hands up. “Hi, I’m Julissa. I know you’re scared but you’re going to be okay. I just need to deal with him first.”

I drag his unconscious body into the middle of the room. “Do you know where he keeps his keys?”

“Please, no, he’s going to kill me if I tell you,” she cries. I understand her state of mind but I also know she has nothing to worry about.

“Come on, are you kidding me?” I say, pointing to the guns on my body.

“You don’t know them,” she says, her voice trembling. “They’re dangerous.”

“And you don’t know me. I’m their worst nightmare. Now if you want to get out of here, tell me where the goddamn keys are,” I tell her.

She seems to weigh what I’ve just said then motions to the closet. “It’s in that black metal box on the top shelf,” she says.

“Great. Watch him.” I hurry over there for the key but the box is also fucking locked with a fucking key. I don’t have time for this. “Cover your ears, this is about to get loud,” I tell her before I throw the fucking box against the wall and start shooting it. The old fucker awakes. “Uh uh uh,” I say. “Don’t move an inch.”

I get the key out of the box and throw it to the girl on the bed. “It’s okay sweetheart, free yourself. I’ve got some catching up to do with old daddy dearest.”

I turn to him. “Remember me? You fucking waste of space.” I kneel and press the gun against his head. “It’s Julissa. Long time no fucking see.”