I still, his knuckles now pressing against my panties, now moist with need. He nudges them against my clit, making my back arch and my legs tighten around his hips. “Alex,” I breathe, tossing back my head, lost to this amazing feeling.

“You know,” Alex says, pressing a kiss against my exposed nape. His lips are soft and sweet and I wet my lips, wanting his mouth on mine. “We could continue this tomorrow. On the plane. I’ve always wanted to join the mile high club.”

I laugh at that. “It’s too late,” I say hoarsely, my body twitching at the sudden pressure on my clit. His finger slides against my inner thigh and I bite back a moan.

“What do you mean, ‘it’s too late’?”

I meet his eyes, a smile on my lips. “I think Hunter beat you to that already.”

Alex’s mouth opens wide, mock irritation laced with lust in his gaze. “Seriously?”

My head bobs up and down, but I’m hardly paying attention to him. His hands grab my panties and wrench them down to my knees. Before I can say anything more, his finger pushes into me and I gasp, my eyes widening as ecstasy takes hold of my mind.

“Oh, you dirty, dirty girl,” Alex says before grazing his teeth against my nape. I shiver. His kisses are becoming sloppy, his finger is going in and out of me, deeper and harder than before. “I suppose I should have expected as much. Although, it would have been better with me. You know—”

I seize his mouth, effectively shutting him up. Alex groans. My tongue slides against his, tasting him, enticing him to touch me more. Another finger enters inside me and I thrust against him, enjoying the feel of him inside me. My hands stroke his hair, moving down his back until I’m touching his sweatpants. I push them down, Alex helping me by kicking his pants and boxers off. His hands wrench my panties further down until they’re on the floor.

“Rachel,” Alex breathes when I release his mouth.

I crawl backward, further on the bed so I can rest my head on my pillows. I reach for Alex, wanting him inside me, but he smirks back at me, going on his knees and pushing my sweater up. I gasp, blinking back stars when I feel his tongue circling around my clit. His fingers reenter me. My hands clutch at his shoulders, moving up to tug at his hair.

“Alex,” I whimper as his tongue tastes me. A shudder ripples down my spine. My stomach twists with heat. My feet kick at the blankets, pushing them off the bed. “Alex,” I hiss, feeling my body rising higher and higher. “Alex!” I shout when he doesn’t listen to me. My body won’t stop trembling. I’m near the end, but I don’t want to be. It’s too soon. I want him inside me. I need his mouth on mine.

I pull at his shoulders and with one last flick from Alex’s tongue, his head perks up. “What is it, Rachel?” he asks with a sly smile. He moves toward me, his dick pressing at my entrance while I wrap my legs around his hips, keeping him there.

“You know,” I say shyly.

Alex chuckles and shakes his head. “No, I don’t. Tell me.”

I nuzzle my nose against his. “I want you,” I whisper in his ear.

“What?” Alex asks, and I frown at the teasing in his tone. “I didn’t hear you.”

I pull away and scowl up at him. “You heard me.”

Alex juts out his chin and shakes his head. “Heard what?”

I scoff. “I want y—”

Alex thrusts hard and deep into me, making me gasp. My mouth hangs open as I feel his thick cock inside mine, pulsating. He’s so hot and big. My body shivers as I feel him move in and out of me, setting into a steady rhythm I can hardly keep up with.

“Is this what you want, Rachel?”

My head bobs up and down. I can’t trust my voice right now. All I can do is moan and hang on for dear life. My fingers dig into his shoulders. I press kisses against his neck. I nibble at his ear, earning a low moan.

“Rachel,” Alex breathes. He pulls me toward him, holding on to me as he thrusts into me. I gasp and moan, my voice becoming shriller as he grinds himself against me. I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. I feel like at any moment I am going to shatter. His fingers are digging into me. His thrusts are becoming more fevered.

“You are so fucking amazing,” Alex mutters breathily.

I meet his thrusts, earning a deep, guttural moan. His hair hangs in front of his eyes, shielding his gaze from me. His shoulders tense and his body stills. For a moment, I wonder if he will come inside me, but then his hips move, his hands sliding down my back to cup my bottom. He squeezes my cheeks and his head nuzzles my sweater.

“Fuck,” he mutters, his speed quickening, his fingers coming between us to circle around my clit.

I can’t stop moaning. I should be worried about the neighbors hearing us, but I don’t care. My eyes widen as I feel my orgasm coming. I can’t stop screaming. Alex groans loudly, his body slowly trembling as he fucks me hard.

“Alex!” I scream, my hands lacing with his. My body trembles. I feel like I’m breaking into a thousand satisfied pieces.

“Rachel,” Alex rasps and I feel his semen flowing through me, his body falling on top of me. He gasps as he scrambles to keep his weight off me and I watch as he rolls over to the side, his arms wrapping around me and holding me close. “Rachel, Rachel, Rachel,” Alex mutters over and over again while he kisses my neck and cheek. “So amazing.”