I smile while stroking the hair away from his face. “Have you finished packing?” I ask him, my throat aching.

Alex groans. “I haven’t even started.”

“Well, make sure you pack something cute to wear for Hunter.”

Alex laughs and pulls me closer, burying his face in the crook of my neck. “Oh, please. I’m plenty cute with my clothes off.”

Chapter 19


Igroanatthesound of beeping and roll over, squinting into the darkness while my hand fumbles about, trying to find my phone. Eventually, I find it, pressing several buttons until my alarm clock is off. Slowly, I rise, pressing a hand against my forehead, trying to feel excited about the day’s events.

Today is the day. Rachel will be arriving in the next hour. I grimace at the ache in my head and the twisting in my stomach. I will probably throw up today. Hopefully, I can make that happen now rather than later. I don’t need Rachel worrying whether or not I’ve contracted a stomach bug.

I place one foot on the floor, followed by another, and swallow the bile as I push my body up. My vision blurs and the room spins. I tried my best not to drink the night before. I made sure to clean out all the bottles littering my room and living room. I even disposed of the liquor in the refrigerator. I had hoped I would be able to quit cold turkey. That was the plan at least: make sure I remain sober during Rachel’s trip.

Unfortunately, I had put too much faith in myself. Of course I went out last night and got trashed. Of course I stopped at the liquor store on my way home, after the bar closed, to buy another bottle of vodka. And of course I drank that bottle of vodka on the side of the road. I barely remember coming home.

I stumble toward my closet, parting my suit jackets and button-down shirts until I’m staring at a hidden shelf inside, where I’ve hidden a bottle of rum. I can’t remember getting home, but for some odd reason, I can remember where I’ve hidden my booze. I should dump this in the toilet. Instead, I’m reaching for it with trembling hands. I’m obviously dehydrated. Water would serve me better, but I twist the cap off the bottle and take a very large swig. My eyes prickle with tears as I feel the burn slide down my throat. Oh, if only Rachel could see me now. She would be absolutely disgusted with me. Hell, I’m disgusted in me.

I gasp and wipe the tears from my eyes. Still holding the bottle, I stumble toward my bathroom, slamming the bottle into the sink. I start the shower, not waiting for the water to get warm. I hardly feel the cold droplets as I stare at the white wall, my hands clenching and unclenching.How am I going to get through today?I wonder as I grind my teeth. I feel like I’m going to cry. I inhale deeply and try to push that feeling down.It will be fine,I tell myself.Everything will be fine. Rachel won’t suspect a thing. Keep your mouth shut and stay away from the booze and you will be fine.

I turn off the water and reach for the rum, taking another swig before drying myself off. The rum numbs my tears and my shaking stops. I take another swig for good luck and another just because I want it, before setting it down and brushing my teeth. I even rinse my mouth out with Listerine to ensure no one smells the liquor on my breath.

My gaze lingers on my reflection and I worry about what Rachel will see. A drunkard? A broken man? An NFL star? My eyes are bloodshot from lack of sleep and my face is so narrow. I look like I haven’t been eating, which makes sense given my diet has primarily consisted of vodka, beer, and rum with the occasional protein bar.God, what would Mom say if she saw me now?

I grab the bottle and resume getting ready, choosing the cleanest pair of jeans I have and the least wrinkled button-down shirt, taking swigs from my bottle here and there as I get ready. I hide my bottle back in the closet before grabbing my keys and striding out the door. My feet trip over themselves as I walk to the elevator, but I think nothing of it. I’m sure I will be fine driving.It’ll be fine, I tell myself.

The drive to O’Hare airport is indeed a difficult trip. Honks sound behind me, given I am driving slowly, but I don’t want to cause an accident. I shake my head, trying hard to see one. Unfortunately, I am seeing two of everything. This was a bad idea. I should have called a cab. I’m thankful when I am able to park the car inside the airport’s parking garage. Staring at the steering wheel, I wonder how I will be able to drive Rachel and the bros home. I’m fine with risking my life, but theirs?

I will need to find another way.

I don’t quite remember how I made it inside the airport, but it happens and I find myself standing in front of the escalators, staring at the terminal with a bottle in my hand. I search the escalator for her and the bros, trying to feel some sort of excitement at them visiting me. Instead, all I feel is dread. It’s not supposed to be like this. I haven’t seen any of them in months, yet all I want to do is go to the airport bar to my left and drink myself silly.

My gaze slides toward the bar, spotting a woman having a glass of wine with what appears to be her husband or boyfriend. Do I have enough time for a shot? Just one shot is all I need and then I will be fine. Then, I can put on a brave, happy face for Rachel and the bros. Everything will be better with that one shot. I take a step toward it, followed by another.


I turn at the sound of Rachel’s voice and my eyes prickle with tears as I see her standing at the top of the escalator, surrounded by Lucas, Seth, and Alex. She looks absolutely stunning in her oversized sweater, a carryon standing next to her. Stunning isn’t eloquent enough of a word. She looks beautiful, gorgeous, sexy. She waves frantically at me as the escalator moves downward, a large, beaming smile on her face.

She’s finally here. I can’t believe she’s finally here.

My feet take me to her. I hold out my arms, ready to grab her the moment she’s on my level. She runs to me and I laugh as I feel her arms coming around me, squeezing me tight. I bury my face in her hair, breathing her in. She smells like cinnamon and something else, something completely her.

She pushes away from me and I’m reluctant to let her go. For the first time in a very long while, I feel whole and I don’t want to return to that sense of me drowning, to the feeling of me barely holding on.

Her smile dissipates as she stares up at me and my heart stills, wondering if she can see right through me, wondering if she can smell the rum on my breath despite the cologne and mouthwash.

“Are you okay?” she asks, her tone concerned, her frown growing.

“Hunter!” Seth shouts and I’m thankful for the interruption as he claps me on the back. “Long time no see, man.”

I chuckle nervously and nod. “Yeah, it has been a while.”

“How come you don’t call us late at night?” Lucas asks while swiveling his carryon forward as if he’s expecting me to help him with his bags.

I shrug. “I suppose you’re not pretty enough.”