Ihavenoclue what I have walked in on. I have never seen anyone, any boyfriend, speaking so cruelly to a girl before. And we only saw maybe five minutes of the argument. And outside. Why were they outside for so long? Couldn’t they have just taken the day off and talked calmly. Lauren didn’t seem feasibly capable of having a conversation. She looked so used up when we got to her, still wearing the clothes from the day before, her face a mess. She was also crying. Why would he yell at her when she’s crying? Couldn’t he see that his words hurt?

Now, looking at him, I wonder if he’s drunk and not in his right senses. He’s swaying from side to side. His glasses are lopsided. The way he keeps swallowing makes me think he’s close to vomiting all over the sidewalk. Even if he is drunk, that still doesn’t excuse him for speaking so cruelly to his girlfriend. No one should be shouted at like that.

“Let me through,” the guy says. I can’t remember his name. He stumbles toward us, but Seth pushes him away.

“I don’t think so,” Seth says with a cruel smile. “Go home.”

The guy laughs before tossing back his head and shouting, “Lauren!”

I wince. He’s really not going to give this up. “What’s his name?” I whisper to Seth. “Maybe I can talk some sense into him.”

Seth scowls. “I call him four-eyes. You can call him fuck-face. And there is no way you can possibly talk any sense into an asshole like that.”

My frown deepens. So much for that plan.

“Lauren, you bitch!” Four-eyes spits, drool dribbling down his chin. “Get your fucking ass out here.”

I hear a window open and a girl sticks out her head, not belonging to Lauren, Rachel, or Charlie. She scowls at us, her brown hair tied back in a messy bun. “Shut up!” she shouts. “Some of us want to sleep.”

“No, you shut up, bitch!” Four-eyes shouts.

“I’m calling the police!” The girl slams her window shut.

“Good!” Four-eyes shouts back, more spit leaving his lips. “Call the police! I would love to talk to the police about what a bitch Lauren is being! Lauren!”

I stifle a groan. Great. This is just what we need right now. The police here to ask questions and make our lives even more chaotic. “Dude,” I start, “go home. I will help you. You can settle this later when you’re sober. Seth and I—”

Seth laughs bitterly. “Do not include me in this.”

“We need to get him home,” I whisper into Seth’s ear. “I don’t think—”

“Oh, I think we do.” Seth’s eyes widen and his mouth lifts into a coy smile. “That’s right, you don’t know what happened.”

My brows pinch together. “What happened?”

Seth gestures toward Four-eyes. “This guy used to be friends with Rachel back in the day.”

“Huh?” I say, looking between Four-eyes and Seth. “Really?”

This guy used to be friends with Rachel? But Rachel hates him, and he’s definitely a jerk. I don’t quite know what happened last night, but given Rachel’s state, I can tell it was nothing good. We haven’t really had a proper talk about what happened.

Seth nods. “Oh, yes. She even moved in with him for a very short time. And during that time, he tried to force himself on Rachel.”

The world stops in that moment as I slowly turn to Four-eyes. No, Fuck-face. That’s a better name for a guy like him. As I stare at Fuck-face, he laughs cruelly, wiping his dark hair away from his face. His eyes aren’t focusing. They’re clearly bloodshot from staying up all night. He probably came from a party. Did he force himself on a girl there? Has he harmed other girls like Rachel? Did he harm Lauren?

“I did nothing to Rachel,” Fuck-face slurs.

“Yeah, Rachel came to us, bruises all over. Actually, last night, he hit her, again.”

I don’t think. My body moves on its own. I feel my hand fisting, feel my body jerking toward the asshole in front of me. I barely register his face, his eyes widening his hands lifting to block himself, but he’s too slow. My fist slams into his cheek. Pain greets my knuckles, but I don’t care. Fuck-face stumbles backward, his hand covering his injured cheek, his mouth agape, a cry leaving his lips. I lift my other fist, ready to beat him to a bloody pulp.

“Alex, no!” Seth shouts, but I don’t care. I’m seeing red. This fucking asshole hit Rachel? That’s how she got her bruise? And not only that, but he actually tried to force himself on her? He deserves to have his face beaten in.

I step toward Fuck-face, but Seth grabs me from behind, using his full bodyweight to pull me backward. He’s surprising strong for how thin and short he is, or maybe my shock and anger has made me clumsy. I stumble backward while Fuck-face turns around. I watch him run through the courtyard, like a fucking coward. His hand is still cupping his injured cheek. If I ever see that asshole’s face again, I’m going to slam him up against the wall, I’m going to break his nose, kick his nuts until he’s no longer able to use them.

How dare he touch Rachel.