“God, I feel so stupid,” Rachel wails, pulling away from me and placing her hands over her face.

Her shoulders shake and I stroke her back, wanting to offer some sort of support, but not knowing how. She looks so broken. She looks like she’s on the cusp of bursting into tears, and if that happens, she won’t be able to think logically.

“I should have stopped her,” Rachel murmurs, still hiding her face from us. “I should have done everything to keep her from meeting up with Josh.”

“She’s a grown adult,” I say while looking between Charlie and Alex, wanting them to say some words of encouragement. However, Charlie is nearly on the cusp of breaking down, as well, and Alex is growing more and more nervous. “I don’t think we would have been able to stop her,” I continue, “even if we tried.”

Charlie shakes her head, and I watch as she turns on her heel and stalks away from us. “Let’s just go!” she calls while Rachel’s hands slide away. Tear tracks stain her cheeks. The bruise on the side of her face is looking more purple in this lighting. Seeing it again, makes me want to rip four-eyes into tiny little pieces. Even then, I don’t think it would be enough for all the havoc he has caused.

I follow after the girls, praying to God above that this Lauren chick is safe at home and Josh is nowhere around. I think that would be the best for all of us. Most likely this Lauren girl needs some time alone. She’s probably buried under some blankets as we speak, eating some pizza and watching some movies.

As we approach North Ridge Apartments, I take note in the dark brick of the building and how there are so many trees surrounding the complex, naked without their leaves. The place is huge, but Charlie knows where to go. There are so many winding sidewalks leading through the apartment complex. The snow is shoveled off to the side and there’s salt on the pavement, meaning no ice. The place seems pretty immaculate, compared to the place I share with Rachel and the bros. There’re even balconies attached to the buildings. If we lived in a place like this, I can just imagine Rachel sitting out on the balcony, drawing something for class while drinking coffee. Maybe it would be nice to move here in the near future.

All dreams of moving and languishing with Rachel out on the balcony disappear as I hear shouting in front of one of the main entrances. My stomach tightens. My shoulders tense as we grow closer. Unfortunately, I recognize that deep voice echoing around us.

“Shit,” Charlie whispers before running toward the couple standing outside.

Lauren left us maybe an hour ago, perhaps less. Have they been fighting outside in the cold this entire time? Rachel runs after Charlie, making me sprint forward. “Wait!” I shout, my body revolting against me. My muscles quiver as I propel myself forward, my stomach seizing and threatening to vomit whatever is left inside.

Anger seeps through me as I find four-eyes looming over Lauren. Her hands cover her face. Her shoulders are shaking. She’s still in those high stilettos. Her feet must be in so much pain. She’s sobbing, not saying a word. Four-eyes barely registers us as he continues shouting at her.

“You made me feel like I was a predator!” Four-eyes waves his hands around, as if his girlfriend is even paying attention at this point.

“I’m sorry,” Lauren croaks, wiping her eyes. She’s not even looking at him. She looks like a tiny little mouse being cornered by a hungry fat cat.

“Are you even listening to me? Do you even get it? Do you know how people see me now, because you were too fucking trashed to pick yourself up?”

“I think she hears you,” says Charlie as she steps between them.

Rachel sidles close to her, while Alex and I stand on either side of Lauren, ready to punch this asshole in the face if he dares to take a step toward her.

Four-eyes has the audacity to look hurt. I’ve seen guys like him before. My mother used to bring them home. At first, they start off all kind and loving and then slowly, very slowly, they remove their mask, revealing the monster lying beneath. They’re master manipulators. I don’t know why. I could never understand why they enjoy hurting people like my mother, and this Lauren girl. Thankfully, my mom doesn’t go for creeps like this anymore, and hopefully, Lauren will drop him now rather than later.

“See what you did?” Four-eyes asks while looking over Charlie’s shoulders at Lauren. “You see what everyone thinks of me because of your actions.”

Rachel scoffs. “She didn’t do anything.”

“Please,” Lauren says, touching Charlie’s shoulder. “It’s fine.”

“It is not fine!” Charlie shouts while grabbing Lauren’s hand and tugging her toward the door. “You are going inside. Now.”


“Nope,” says Rachel while following closely behind Lauren and ushering her inside.

I place a hand on Four-eyes as he takes a step forward. “Not today, bro,” I say darkly.

“And what are you going to do about it?” The asshole has the audacity to ask.

Alex sidles close to me. “You heard the man,” he says while holding out a hand. “Go home. You can talk to her later when you have calmed down.”

I glance over my shoulder, watching the girls quickly guide Lauren inside. Rachel meets my gaze, a soft smile on her lips as she lifts a hand in thanks. Well, at least I can still do something for my girl. And this asshole better watch it, because I am so close to beating his face in.