“Ah, shit,” I hear Hunter groan.

I shove him away, my eyes widening when I see Seth’s naked form lying on the shower floor. The water is still spraying down on him. His eyes are closed. Blood pooled under his head, coming from a gash near his brow.

“What’s wrong?” Alex asks from the doorway.

“Is he okay?” Rachel’s voice wafts inside.

I shake my head. “Call the ambulance,” I say sternly to Alex, his eyes widening in alarm. “Now.”

Alex nods, rushing away from the door. “On it!” I hear him call.

“What’s going on?” Rachel asks, her voice quivering, her eyes glimmering with tears as she steps inside. She gasps, her hands flying to her mouth as her gaze finds Seth. “Oh, my God,” she breathes, her legs buckling. She grabs the sink as she slowly falls to the floor, tears slipping from her eyes. “Oh, my God!” she cries.

Hunter turns off the shower while I grab Rachel’s shoulders, helping her up. Her gaze remains fastened on Seth, her whole body shaking as she continues to silently cry. “I need you to help Alex,” I say to her, hoping she listens. “Seth needs you to be strong for him. You need to help Alex. Make sure the door is unlocked for the medical team and grab some towels for the bleeding. Nod if you hear me.”

Rachel nods. She slowly turns around, leaving the bathroom to go find Alex. I turn around, my hands reaching for Seth as Hunter picks him up off the floor.

“Do you need any help?” I ask as Hunter repositions Seth into his arms, carrying him bridal style out of the bathroom.

Hunter shakes his head. “He weighs nothing.”

I grimace as I take in Seth’s body, seeing the ribs, seeing his sunken in belly. “Yeah,” I murmur.

“Hello,” I hear Alex say as calmly as possible into the phone. “There’s been an accident. We need an ambulance.”

Rachel rushes toward Hunter, carrying several towels. She wraps one around Seth’s naked body while she presses the other against his head. “Seth,” she says, her voice shrill with worry. “Seth, can you hear me? Seth?”

Seth doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t groan, he doesn’t move. I wave a hand over his mouth, breathing a sigh of relief when I feel his breath against my palm. “He’s still breathing,” I murmur.

“Ambulance is on its way,” Alex says while stepping toward us. “It should be here in about five minutes.”

“How did this happen?” Rachel whispers as she stares down into Seth’s face.

I share a look with Hunter. Both of us already have our suspicions, but neither of us say anything. The sound of sirens can be heard outside. Rachel runs to the door, throwing it open. I'm vaguely aware of the wind whipping inside. I can hardly feel its chill as I stare down at Seth. The medics will be here soon. They will know what to do with Seth. We’ll have to go to the hospital. Again. We will have to wait in the waiting room. Again. I feel like it’s déjà vu all over again. We already went through this in Paris. Why again? What is so wrong with Seth’s life that he needs to treat his body this way?

“He’s in here,” Rachel says, her voice quivering with worry.

I hear movement. I don’t know what’s being said. I can’t tear my gaze away from Seth, worried that the moment I do, he will stop breathing. I don’t think I can lose a friend.

Why is this happening? Why is Seth so sick?

My brows tent and I stare at Seth darkly, watching the subtle rise and fall of his chest. My gaze slides to the blood staining the white towel. This is the last time I’m doing this, I decide. I don’t think I can go through him harming his body anymore.Enough is enough. I’ve had it. As soon as Seth wakes up, I’m not going to let this slide. I’m going to demand the asshole gets his shit figured out. He’s going to eat. He’s going to therapy. He’s going to resolve his issues with Alex. There is no way he can make us go through all this worry twice within one year. It’s unfair not just to us, but to Rachel.