“Then come home during your break.” I hear her sniff on the other line. Is she really crying?

“I’ll try,” I say, not able to promise her anything.

“And,” she pauses and I hear her sniff again, “can we come to your graduation?”

My eyes prickle with tears and I clench my jaw, refusing to allow myself to break down now. I’ve been so strong up until this point. “Y-yeah,” I say, my voice hoarse. “Of course, you can come. You and Dad. It’s really up to you. I can send you the information later, if you want."

“That would be great,” Mom whispers.

I smile. Have I finally gotten through to them? Can we finally be a normal family? At least, as normal as we can possibly be?

“Listen—” I begin, but something I hear something loud banging in the bathroom. I frown, turning toward the sound, my eyes narrowing on Seth’s discarded clothes. Isn’t he in the shower?

“Lucas, what is it?”

“Sorry, Mom,” I say while stepping toward the bathroom, careful not to step on Seth’s clothes with my dirty socks. “Can I call you back? I think there’s been an accident.”

“Okay. I love you, darling.”

My heart swells, but I can hardly think of that now. I need to know if Seth is okay. “Love you, too,” I rush out before quickly hanging up.

My knuckles rap against the door. “Seth,” I call, grimacing when I hear no movement, nor an answer. I knock again, louder this time. “Seth! Open up!”


“Is everything alright?” Alex asks, peaking his head out of my room.

I shake my head. “I don’t know. Seth isn’t opening the door.”

“What’s going on?” Hunter asks while stepping out of his room. “Did you hear that loud bang?”

I motion toward the door. “I think it came from inside the bathroom.”

Hunter frowns, sidling close to me. He bangs on the door, louder than when I knocked. “Seth!” He shouts. “You in there, bro?”


A door creaks open and I peek over Hunter, finding Rachel yawning, her hair a mess as she steps into the hallway, wearing bunny pajamas and matching bunny slippers. “What’s with all the noise?” she asks while wiping the sleep from her eyes.

I grimace, not knowing if I should worry Rachel with this. Thankfully, Alex strides toward her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. “I don’t think it’s anything to worry about,” Alex says sweetly before placing a kiss on Rachel’s forehead. "Why don’t you let us deal with this while you get your beauty sleep?”

Hunter grabs the handle, wiggling it, yet the door doesn’t budge. “Shit,” Hunter mutters. He bangs on the door again. “Seth! Open up!”

“Seth’s in there?” Rachel asks while pointing at the door.

“So we think,” I say, not wanting to worry her. “I’m sure he’s just being an ass. Don’t worry about it.”

Hunter shoves his shoulder against the door, but it doesn’t budge.

“What are you doing?” I ask while glancing between Rachel and Hunter.

Rachel’s eyes are wide with worry. She leans into Alex’s touch while her hands wring each other.

“We have to get in there,” Hunter whispers. “What if he fell?”

I clench my jaw, knowing he’s right. I give him a curt nod and step out of the way, sidling close to Rachel. She grabs my hand as we watch Hunter bang his good shoulder against the door. It would really suck if he injured himself all over again, especially since he’s going to the NFL this summer. Seth better not be fucking faking it.

Hunter groans as he shoves his shoulder into the door one last time, making it swing open. I gently slide Rachel’s hand off me and follow Hunter inside.