“When do you need to know by?” I ask quickly, nearly tripping over the words.
Harry shrugs. “The end of the year? Preferably, sooner. Coach doesn’t like to wait. Give me a call once you know,” he says with a wink, slowly turning around. “Hope to hear from you soon!”
I watch him wave a hand and farewell. My insides twists and one face comes to mind. Rachel. Does this mean I will have to move to Chicago? Will I have to say goodbye to all my friends at the end of this year?
When Harry rounds the corner, I grab the folder, flipping it open. My eyes widen on the salary they’re offering. It’ll be enough for me to start my new life as an adult. It would be stupid for me to turn down. But what about my dad?
With training practice and the constant flying around, you would hardly be here anyway,my voice of reason tells me. The same can be said about Rachel, Lucas, and Seth. It’s not like I will really be around all that much. I can have an apartment in Chicago and stay with Rachel and the bros when I’m in Colorado.
Whatever it is, we can figure it out together. This is my future we’re talking about, and I can’t turn down an amazing opportunity like this.
I shove open the door to the locker room. All eyes go to me and the folder in my hands, but no one says anything. Once again, in the past, I always imagined my teammates clapping me on the back, cheering for me and my big win, congratulating me on scoring a position on a team.
Only silence greets me.
I guess this is what it means becoming an adult. As a child, you expect one thing, but as you grow older, that expectation is never met. I sigh and shove the folder into my bag and quickly change. After this game, it’s only practice and training from here on out. Then, I don’t have to deal with these assholes ever again.
Thank God.
Once changed, I shove my bag over my shoulder and stalk out of the locker room. My shirt sticks to my muscles. I probably should have showered, but I’m desperate to be in the fresh air and away from my teammates. My winter coat hangs from my bag. I should probably put it on, given it’s December, but my blood is still running hot from running up and down the field.
I pause when I see Rachel, Seth, Lucas, and Alex standing in front of the door. Rachel jumps up and down, holding up herGo Hunter!sign. My heart swells at the glitter hearts surrounding the letters and the joyful smile on her face. Seth raises his fists in the air. His eyes are glazed over, and his face is flushed. He’s obviously trashed. Lucas gives me a nod while Alex shoves his hands into his coat pockets, shuffling nervously back and forth. He’s still getting adjusted to our group. I’d feel a little out of place, as well.
“You were amazing!” Rachel shouts while running to me. She drops the sign and wraps her arms tightly around my waist. “What took you so long? We’re hungry and cold.”
I chuckle and stroke her hair away from her face. “I was speaking with a scout.”
Her eyes widen as she pulls away from me. “Really? Who?”
I make a face. It’s not exactly the right time, but when is it ever? “The Chicago Bears.”
Rachel’s lips part and her eyes turn downtrodden. “Chicago,” she breathes while pulling away from me. “You’ll be going to Chicago.”
I grab my coat and throw it over my shoulders. The chill is beginning to get to me while flurries float down from the hanging clouds. “Yeah.”
“Have you had any other offers?” Lucas asks.
I shake my head.
“Whoo!” Seth shrieks while punching the air. “My bro is going to be a football star!”
Lucas gives Seth a look, which goes unnoticed as he continues punching the air.
“Will you be moving there?” Rachel asks. I catch a note of worry in her tone.
I sigh, not knowing what exactly to tell her. “I have no clue,” I say with a shrug.
“Well, now’s not the time to worry about it,” says Lucas while grabbing my arm and Rachel’s. He turns us towards the parking lot where Seth is running in a circle.
“My bro is going to the NFL!” Seth shrieks.
I roll my eyes while Lucas shakes his head.
“You should take it,” Rachel whispers while watching Seth. “You’ve always wanted to be in the NFL. If this is your only chance, you should take it.”
I grab her arm and pull her towards me, wrapping my arms around her. “Don’t worry about it now,” I say before kissing the top of her head. “Let’s go grab some pizza and celebrate.”
Rachel smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. She’s still worried, I can tell. But I guess that’s future Hunter’s mess to work out. Seth runs through the parking lot and Alex chuckles, shaking his head as we continue following our belligerent friend.