Igroan.Myheadis pounding, and my skin feels like it’s going to crawl off my body at any moment. The taste of beer still lingers in my parched mouth, desperate for water. It’s Sunday, the day after Hunter’s big game. I can’t believe he won it. I can’t believe he was able to block and tackle like he did. I knew Hunter was good, but yesterday, he was fucking amazing.

I’m surprised I remember any of it at all with all the beer I drank.

“Seth, can you please get off your ass and help us with this?”

I scowl at Lucas, who’s currently dragging a very large suitcase through the hotel lobby. Rachel follows behind him, stumbling while carrying a very large bag of what appears to be dirty laundry. That asshole Alex has her carrying his disgusting laundry? What a piece of shit.

I jump up from my seat, which instantly makes me gag and my head swivel. What the hell was I thinking? I can’t be moving around. I can’t be helping that fuckface move into MY apartment. What I really should be doing right now, is lying on the couch, watching reruns while eating a very large pizza.

“Here, you take this,” says Lucas while taking my hand and placing it on Alex’s luggage.

“Tell me, why are we doing this again?” I whine.

The elevator dings and I see Alex and Hunter coming into view, dragging behind them several other pieces of luggage. Does Alex think we live in a mansion? He’s seen our place before. He knows we don’t have all the space in the world. Just where does he think he’s going to put all his junk?

“Because we help our friends when they are in need,” says Rachel while placing her hands on her hips. She gives me a stern look as if I’m somehow acting like a child. Well, how does she expect me to act? I told her the asshole could move in. I told her he could join our group. What more do I have to give? I’m already being nice enough.

“You alright there, Sethie?”

I growl and jerk my gaze to Alex. The asshole has the audacity to smile at me and give me a wink. “Don’t. Call. Me. That.”

Alex chuckles. “Aw, why not? I think it has a nice ring to it.”

Rachel sighs and looks up at the ceiling. “Please, not another fight,” she whispers.

“The both of you, please stop,” says Lucas while sending Alex and I a scowl.

Alex shrugs. “I wasn’t doing anything.”

“That’s a load of bullshit!” I shout while stomping my foot, feeling even more like a child. “Red here seems to think he can call me whatever he wants.”

“Ooh,Red.” Alex waggles his eyebrows. “I like it.”

I scoff and take a step back. My face begins to heat, and I grind my teeth, hating the way he can control my emotions. Why can’t I ignore him? It’s so frustrating the way he can reduce me to act like a child.

“Alright, let’s get going,” says Hunter. “I’m already over this.”

My hand tightens on the suitcase handle, and I drag it behind me, leading the way. Alex steps ahead of me, his back facing me, his red hair glimmering in the light. I don’t know why, but it pisses me off. Why is he leading the way? Why is he acting like he’s in charge of us?

I push ahead. My suitcase bumps against his while I stride past him. Smirking, I edge forward, nearing the door. Before I can get there, Alex shoves ahead of me, making my suitcase turn over and fall onto the ground while he grabs the door and briskly steps outside.

“Fucking asshole,” I mutter.

“I heard that,” Alex calls while the door slams shut in my face.

I scowl at him through the door’s window, seeing him stand out in the cold with the snow falling down all around him. The sidewalk is covered in snow. I hope he slips and falls in it.

“Will the both of you stop fighting?” Hunter groans. “I don’t know if I can live with you two constantly going at it.”

“Maybe we should lock them in a room,” says Lucas. “Whomever survives is our new roommate.”

“Now, now,” says Rachel. “I’m sure they just need a little time to adjust.”

I charge ahead, tired of them going on about me and Alex as if we aren’t even there. Throwing open the door, I walk towards Alex, nearly slipping in the process. I quickly right myself and continue ahead, my gaze darkening on Alex.