I groan and tilt my head back, asking God, ‘Why now? Why can’t I just enjoy a cup of coffee with my boyfriend without discussing all the problems in mylife?’ “It’s the whole Josh thing.”

Hunter’s brows furrow in confusion. “What Josh thing? I thought that was taken care of.”

I point my spoon at him. “Exactly. It was.”

“Then what’s the problem.”

I rest the spoon next to my cup and lean forward. “The problem is that Lauren is taking Josh’s side.”

Hunter stares back at me, his expression horrified. “Wha-”

I nod. “She thinks that I’m a whore that tried to seduce Josh.”

Hunter’s mouth gapes open. His lips move, yet nothing escapes except for a confused, “Huh?”


“But why would she think that? You’re not a slut.”

I gesture between him and I. “It’s because I’m dating you, Lucas, and Seth. She seems to think I spread my legs for just anyone.”

“That’s disgusting. And that’s not true. Not to mention, even if it was, it doesn’t take away the meaning of ‘no’. She’s a fucking idiot.”

I shrug, wiping at my eyes. I feel tears beginning to surface, and I don’t know why. I’ve already gotten over my loss of friendship with Lauren. I shouldn’t be feeling sad, but I do. The whole thing just sucks. I still don’t understand why she’s taking Josh’s side in all this.

Why doesn’t she believe me?

I sniff and quickly stand, needing to find some place to hide. I’m about to burst into tears just thinking about the whole thing. I don’t understand why I’m so upset about Lauren. It must be much more than that. Part of me thinks I should have never come here. It’s just been one struggle after another. I feel stupid for thinking I could ever do something like this; travel somewhere, get a job at a museum, carry on my relationships with the bros.

It’s getting to be too much.

“Rachel,” I hear Hunter say while I turn around, finding myself walking towards the back of the cafe.

A sign hovers above a door with a picture of a woman and I quickly open it, rushing inside and pushing the door close. Hunter rushes inside before I can slam it in his face. He leans against the door, watching me with eyes filled with worry.

“Are you okay?”

I shake my head, tears streaming down my face. “No,” I sob.

He locks the door before reaching for me. I wrap my arms around his waist, burying my face into his chest while his hands stroke my back. “Sssh,” he whispers in my ear. “It’s going to be fine. Everything is alright. Just ignore that stupid girl.”

I shake my head. “It’s not just her.”

“Then what is it?” Hunter asks while pushing my hair away from my face. He presses a gentle kiss against my forehead and for a moment I let my eyes flutter close, enjoying his warmth and proximity.

I don’t know what I would do without Hunter. I don’t know how I got through last semester without him. I don’t think I could do it now.

“I just feel so stupid. I feel like it was stupid of me to come here.”

Hunter chuckles. “You are not stupid.”

I sniff and wipe my eyes. “Yes, I am.”

Hunter strokes my hair away from my face. “No, you are not. Things are just a bit more difficult than you thought they were going to be. And maybe you’re going through some culture shock or homesickness. It’s difficult working abroad and dealing with friendships and boyfriends while being abroad. Everything is new and different.”

I nod. “Maybe you’re right.”

Hunter pulls me closer, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Of course I’m right.”