Hunter frowns, but his head bobs up and down. “I did try running with Seth.” He pauses, his face grimacing and I wonder if Seth snapped at Hunter, as well. “The guy has become a bit crazy.”

“I know,” I say, lowering my gaze to my coffee cup. “He needs to win the marathon.”

Hunter scoffs. “Yeah. It’s all he ever talks about. Every time I see him, he’s leaving for a run. I’m worried he’s going to injure himself.”

I nod while taking my spoon, dipping it into the coffee and swirling the liquid. “Well, I guess we have to just trust him to know his limits.”

Hunter rolls his eyes. “Yeah, he knows his limits alright. He’ll run right past them and next thing you know we’ll find him cursing and grumbling about a torn muscle.”

I grimace. I don’t want to think about Seth getting hurt.It’sbad enough he looks like he’s lost too much weight. He was already thin before, from running hoursevery dayand training, but at least then I had nothing to worry about. Now he looked like he was wasting away, trying to get his weight down in order to improve his running time. This morning I woke up, wondering if I was going to find himpassedout on the side of the road on my way to the metro.

Thankfully, I didn’t.

But it still is a concern.

“I’m sorry, Rachel.” My thoughts are drawn back to Hunter as I feel his hand on mine. Worry fills his gaze and I force a smile. “I don’t want to worry you. Let’s talk about something else.”

I sigh. “I don’t know what else to really talk about. My internship sucks. Lucas isn’t really talking to me right now.”

“Lucas isn’t talking to you?” The shock in Hunter’s tone makes my heart squeeze. The whole thing had been a shock to me, as well. All I wanted to do was point out that there were people out there that had it much worse than him. I guess, when it comes to Lucas, I’m not really supposed to have my own opinion.

“Since when?” Hunter asks.

“Since we got back from our date a couple days ago. We went shopping. I’m supposed to go to some work thing with him.” I sigh and run my hand through my hair, feeling agitated all over again. “He was complaining about his family and I upset him by telling him he’s quite privileged compared to the majority.”

Hunter shrugs. “Well, it’s true. The asshole is privileged. Who owns a giant apartment in Paris and a cottage,” he uses air quotes for ‘cottage’ since the house is actually a giant mansion in the mountains, “in Colorado.”

I nod. “I know. I think he’s just a little touchy when it comes to his family.”

Hunter rolls his eyes. “And who isn’t? You think I have it all sunshine and flowers with my dad?” Hunter makes a face, and I chuckle at his pursed lips and wide eyes. “I can tell you, we fight at least once a week. Even when I’m in Paris,hevideo chats me in order for us to get our weekly fight in. Families are always frustrating.”

I giggle and shake my head. “I hardly think your dad and Lucas’s parents are alike.” Thinking of Lucas’s mom makes my smile drop. Christina had been so cold. She was nothing like Hunter’s dad, who seemed intent on getting to know Hunter’s friends, including me. Hunter’s dad was so warm compared to Lucas’s parents.

“Honestly, I would just let it go,” says Hunter. “There’s no point in bringing it up with him. His snooty ass will get over it.”

I make a face. “I’m not so sure about that.”

“Oh, he will.” Hunter waggles his eyebrows. “I see the way he looks at you. Give him a day or two and the whole thing will blow over.”

I watch Hunter take a drink from his coffee, wondering when this big hunk of meat had become such a wise man. I think therapy has really been helping him learn how to express himself, teaching him that he doesn’t need to be the strong guy all the time. It’s taken a lot of hard work, yet I like the man he is becoming.

“Now, on to more important things. What’s going on with that Lauren chick?”

I groan and hang my head.Nevermind. Definitely not liking the new and improved Hunter. “I told you I didn’t want to ruin the afternoon.”

“Too late, I already brought it up. My curiosity has gotten the best of me. Is she doing the internship with you?”

I purse my lips and nod. “Unfortunately.”

“Well, what happened? I thought you two were friends.”

“We were until she turned into a huge bitch.”

Hunter’s eyes widen and I chuckle at the surprise on his face. “Sorry, I’ve never heard you use that language before to describe anyone. It’s a bit of a shock.”

“Well, it’s true. She is a bitch.”

“Care to explain why?”