With a smirk, I go to the bar cart and grab the whiskey.

I plunk the bottle down on the table along with two shot glasses and fill them both up, sliding one over to River.

She takes it and knocks it back like an old pro.

I watch the way her throat bobs when she swallows with hungry eyes and then take my own shot.

“I did that, you know,” I tell her, holding her gaze. “What you want to do. I killed my uncle, and I made him beg for it. I made him want death more than anything else in the world, and then I gave him what he wanted.”

“Why’d you kill him?” she asks, studying me as I down my shot.

A grin tugs at my lips. “That’s not important right now. We can each keep our secrets.”

I pour another round of shots and we both drink them, thumping the glasses down on the table at the same time.

I lean in, still hungry for her. There was no disgust on her face when she heard about me killing my uncle. No look of pity or her telling me that he was family and you’re not supposed to kill family or whatever the fuck.

She just accepts it for what it is and knows he probably did something to deserve it. She doesn’t know my story either. But she knows enough.

I grab her around the back of the neck and crush our lips together again, kissing her hard.

There’s teeth and tongue in it, and she licks into my mouth with a low noise of pleasure.

Heat pumps through me, and I’m running on pure instinct at that point. Just going from one motion to the next, doing whatever feels good.

I grab the bottle of whiskey and pour some down her front, slopping the liquid against her chest. Then I rip her shirt open, showing off her wet tits. Her chest is so fucking nice, and I drag my tongue down her skin, savoring the sharp taste of the booze. But it’s not enough. I want more.

I grab a shot glass and smash it against the table, choosing one of the big shards and dragging the sharp edge of the glass down the space between her breasts.

She gasps at the edge of pain but doesn’t pull away. Instead, she arches closer to me, like she’s daring me to cut her deeper, to push her harder.

River never fucking backs down, and it calls to something in me that I can’t ignore. It riles up that monster, making it pace like a predator trapped in a cage. I want to fucking devour her, I want to make her scream.

I spill more whiskey down her body, chasing the line of it with my mouth until I get to her pants. It’s quick work to shove them down and bare her pussy to me, and I lap up the whiskey that drips its way down to her crotch.

When I glance up at her, River’s eyes are dark with want, and she doesn’t pull back. She spreads her legs as wide as she can with her pants around her ankles, like she’s tempting me to dive in and give in to the beast that wants to eat her.

So I do. I drag my tongue from her belly button to her core, tasting booze and the sweet salty hit of her skin. She’s already wet for me, and I can smell it when I get close.

It’s fucking intoxicating, and I don’t waste any time getting my face in there, letting my tongue slide into her to caress her folds and lap up her sweet arousal.

“Knox,” she moans, her fingers delving into my hair. She tugs me in closer, and I go with it, giving up on the casual exploration shit and letting myself feast on her.

I lap at her clit, her hole, the taste of all of it driving me wild. The whiskey puts a haze over things, and the sweet taste of her just makes it even better.

I could lose myself down here, between her legs, making her moan and shake for me. She’s the best fucking thing I’ve ever tasted, and it’s like I can’t get enough.

Like I’llneverget enough.

Pain and whiskey and sex and blood.

Fucking perfect.