I move to sit down across from her and run my hands over the gun, checking it out. It’s good quality, and I’m not really surprised. River seems to know her shit.

“You’re gonna shoot him from a distance,” I say, leaning back in my chair.

She glances up, her expression guarded. “Yeah. So what?”

I just shrug. “Just wondering what your plan is.”

She lets out a breath. “He’s having a meeting at some Italian place. Out in the open. It’s the best way to get to him and take him out.”

“You scoped the place out?”

She nods. “Yeah. There’s a roof in the right spot. He won’t see me, and he’ll get a bullet in the brain.”

“Quick,” I reply. “Neat.” My tone is neutral, but she can hear what I’m not saying. I can tell by the way she glances at me.

“You don’t think it’s enough.”

I shrug again. “It’s not my plan. I’m just thinking… Ivan St. James is a piece of shit. Maybe he doesn’t deserve quick and neat. Maybe he deserves to suffer. He’s definitely made a lot of people suffer who would rather have had quick and neat.”

Something flashes through her eyes, but I can’t figure out what it is before it’s gone. “You’re right,” she says. “He does deserve to suffer. But I’m ready to just end it. I’ve been trying to get through his guard for way too long. I’m not going to pass up this chance just because he deserves worse.”

“Worth it just to have it done with,” I say, and she nods.

“The others… they weren’t this difficult,” she says, staring down at the table. “Not as well guarded. There was always an in somewhere. I moved through them like a ghost. Sometimes I didn’t kill them myself, but I was pulling the strings to get it done, one way or another.”

“Playing mastermind instead of getting your hands dirty?” I ask, cocking my head.

She shrugs. “Whatever it took. I had to make sure they died. You know the Black Roses in Fairview Heights?”

I nod. The Heights are just a couple hours away from Detroit. With all the tabs Gage keeps on other gangs in the area, we heard all about their rise to power.

“There was a girl named Mercy who was working with them. I gave them insider information about a rival gang called the Jackals and let her take down their leader. Hugh.”

She says the name like it tastes bad in her mouth.

“Mercy did the dirty work for me, but I got the feeling she needed that. That she needed to be the one to take him down, so I let her have it. Two birds with one stone or whatever. It was easier for me, since she had an entire crew backing her up.”

“How’d you get the info to give them in the first place?”

“I got close to him the best way I knew how.” She gives me a look, and I can tell what that means. She fucked him or one of his seconds and got them to open up to her or something. Usually seems to work. Especially when you’re as hot as River is.

“But… it’s not the way I’d do it if I had my choice,” she admits.

I lean forward a little over the table, getting close like we’re about to share a secret. “How would you do it?”

“I’d kill them all face to face,” River tells me, and her tone goes cold. “I’d rather make them bleed, cut by cut. I’d make them suffer like they deserve to suffer, and I’d kill them in the end, but only after they were begging for death.”


I’m out of my chair before I even realize it, crossing around the table to reach her and grabbing a fistful of her hair. I drag her head back and lean down to devour her mouth, kissing her hard and hungry.

Hearing her talk like that got to me. I can feel my cock stiffening in my pants, my blood pumping. I can feel the connection between us, that spark of two souls who understand each other. I don’t know the details of her situation, the specifics of her past, but I don’t need to know them to recognize exactly how she feels.

That’s how I would have wanted it too, if I was hunting down a bunch of fuckers who deserved it. I’d want them to know it was me, to know they were going to die because they were stupid enough to fuck with me, and I’d wait until they were begging for it in the end. Until death was almost a mercy.

I kiss River again, taking what I want, plunging my tongue into her mouth like I want to savor every single thing about her. I can feel her moan as it vibrates through her chest, and she kisses me back, one hand fisting in my shirt to hold on to me.

When I pull back, I feel flushed and breathless, but more alive than I have in a while. The monster is there, pacing just under my skin, and I go with it.