
It’s beena few days since River came home in the middle of the night, practically morning, smiling with triumph and saying she had a plan.

There was something haunted in her eyes that night, like whatever she had to do to get this plan in place cost her something, but apparently it was worth it.

I asked her then what the plan was, but she told me she’d tell us in the morning, making me wait and grinning when I seemed pissed off about it. I watched her go up the stairs to her room with a bad feeling in my chest.

She laid it all out for us the next day. How she met one of the hookers from the red light district and talked to her. How Ivan has a fucking assault fetish and likes to make the girls he hires act it out. Just when I thought it wasn’t possible for me to hate that piece of shit more. It all comes together when River explains it. All she has to do is wait for this girl to call her, and then she’ll move in and do what she does best. What she’s been working toward all this time. She’ll take out the last fucker on her list.

But this isn’t like before, when she was going to shoot Ivan from across the street and be gone before anyone realized what happened. This is different.

She’ll be in the middle of it all. Right there, pretending to be some fucking helpless hooker for him to take advantage of.

It’s sick, just like Ivan himself, and just thinking about it makes me grind my teeth in irritation.

But of course, River doesn’t give a shit. She’s focused on the fact that this plan will work, and it’s the best shot she has. I know she wants him dead, more than she wants anything else, apparently, but it’s still a bad plan.

I didn’t like her plan when she first told it to us, and I don’t like it now. In fact, I fucking hate it.

I hate pretty much everything about this, starting with the night she killed someone outside our club.

She’sinour lives now. Deep in. Way too deep for only having been here a short while. Little signs of her are everywhere in the house. A bra slung over the back of a chair, a bottle of nail polish on the table, her brand of cigarettes on the counter.

Even her fucking dog is settling in, running all over the yard and sleeping under the kitchen table like he owns the place, and I’m not sure how to feel about that.

I can’t help but think about Priest’s warnings that first night, how we should just kill her and be done with it because she’s only going to bring trouble. He wasn’t wrong. She’s wormed her way into our lives and our home and our routines. At some point, I stopped thinking of the room she sleeps in as the guest room and started calling itherroom. Like she lives here and isn’t just staying so we can keep an eye on her. Knox and Ash both pant after her like horny dogs, even Priest seems to have made some kind of peace with her, and I…

I wander into the library, unable to forget fucking River in here.

I think about how she worked herself back, taking every violent thrust with pleasure, demanding more all at the same time. She riled me up to a breaking point and then handled it completely when I unleashed on her.

I’m sure a lot of people would think it’s weird for there to be a full library in a house like this. They’d probably think the same thing about Priest’s piano.

But this is where I come to settle my mind when my demons scream too loudly. It’s peaceful and it’s mine. My father was a piece of shit who mocked me for not learning how to read for a long time, so I’ve made it a point to read everything I can since I learned. I find old books, the classics that all the stuffy intellectuals say you have to read if you want to be anybody, and I read them. I keep them, along with the notes I make in the margins. Like proof that I can do whatever the fuck I set my mind to without approval from anyone else. Nothing can hold me back.

I walk along the shelves, trailing my fingers over the place where River had her hands while I fucked her from behind. She wanted to touch herself, but I wouldn’t let her, keeping her hands right there, making her take it at my pace.

Just thinking about it makes my cock perk up, and I can feel myself getting hard.

I pick up one of the books from the shelf.Heart of Darkness. Appropriate. I open it and go to flip through it, but the pages don’t fan open the way they should. A bunch of them are stuck together, hard at the edges and unable to be pulled apart.

I narrow my eyes and put it back, picking up another one. It has the same issue.

My jaw clenches with anger.

River is in the living room, watching Ash and Knox beat the shit out of each other in a video game, and I march in, holding the book in my hand.

“What the fuck happened?” I snap, my voice cutting through the sound of video game violence and Knox laughing.

River looks up, confused at first, but then she sees the book in my hand and bursts out laughing. Her blue eyes are bright, and she runs fingers through her shiny silver hair like she couldn’t give less of a shit.

“I don’t know, Gage,” she says, shrugging. “But it really isn’t a good idea to smear cum all over the pages of books. They’ll just stick together. Didn’t you learn that lesson with porno magazines when you were younger?”

I see red at her nonchalant expression. “I didn’t fucking smear cum on them,” I growl.

Ash and Knox are still in the middle of their game, but I can tell they’re listening. Knox’s laughter might be about how his character just ripped the spine out of Ash’s character and beat him half to death with it or because of me talking about jizz on the pages of my books.