“Yeah. One day, I couldn’t take it anymore. I was just fucking sick of their hands on me and the way they talked shit about us. I was tired of listening to my sister cry every night and biting into the side of my cheek so I wouldn’t cry too. I tried to fight them. I don’t even really remember what I did. I was so out of it and just… wild with anger and exhaustion. I know I hurt one of them, and they made me pay for it. They killed Hannah in front of me.”

My voice doesn’t shake when I tell that part, which is a good thing. I manage to hold it together, even though just saying the words brings me right back to that night.

“Ivan was one of those men,” I tell Avalon. “He was there, doing whatever the fuck he wanted to us, hurting us, killing my sister. And the reason I want information about him is because I’m going to kill him.”

There are tears in Avalon’s eyes as she looks at me. I don’t know what she sees in my face, but whatever it is, it’s enough to make her nod and swallow hard.

“I’ll help you,” she murmurs. “I’ve never seen Ivan St. James myself, but I know he comes to my pimp maybe once a month or so. They have some kind of deal. I’ve never been given to him yet, but all the girls who’ve been with him talk about how much they hate it. They all say it was awful. He’s got some kind of assault fantasy, and he makes the girls he hires play that out.”

My chest tightens, and I clench my jaw until my teeth hurt. Of course he fucking does. Fucking with girls who don’t want anything to do with him is his favorite shit, clearly.

“Do you know when the next time he’s going to want someone is?” I ask her.

She shakes her head. “It’s not a set schedule. He just reaches out when he… has the urge, I guess.” I can hear the disgust in her voice. “I don’t want to drag the other girls into this…”

“That’s okay. The fewer people who know, the better.”

“But if I hear anything, I can let you know. And if he needs a new girl, maybe I can volunteer.”

I feel a little sick at the thought of sending her to him, just so I can do my dirty work, but then a plan forms in my head. Maybe she doesn’t have to be in danger at all. After all, if I’m going to kill him, then I need to be the one to get the drop on him.

“I have an idea,” I tell Avalon. “And you won’t be in danger.”

She perks up at that. “Really?”

I nod. “You won’t even have to see him. He’ll never touch you.”

“I don’t want him to, but it’s my job…”

“Let me handle it. All I need you to do is call me and let me know when he’s looking for another girl. You volunteer to do it, and I’ll take it from there.”

Avalon has no real reason to trust me, but she nods and agrees all the same.

It’ll be different this time. I’m going to keep her safe, and I’m not going to miss my chance like I did at that restaurant. Ivan St. James will die, and the list will be completed.

One way or another.