Page 68 of Twisted Game

We leave the frat house, stepping out onto the lawn. It’s scattered with cups and trash and people, but Colin doesn’t pay them any attention. It’s like he only has eyes for me. He keeps an arm around me as we walk down the road, and I’m not afraid of the darkened street, because he’s there and the buzz of the alcohol feels so good.

After a few minutes, we step onto what looks like a golf course. The lawns are well-manicured and the lights are pretty, and there’s no one around.

After the loud chaos of the party, it’s nice to be here in the quiet.

“This is beautiful,” I murmur, glancing around.

“Yeah, it is. It’s the kind of place I like to come to when I want to clear my head, you know? There’s never anyone here after dark.”

“Must be nice to have it all to yourself.”

He grins. “Well, now I’m sharing it with you. You know, Willow… I’ve been into you for a while.”

I blush when he says that, surprised to hear it. He’s always been friendly and maybe a little flirty, but I just figured he was that way with a lot of people. I wait for a bubble of excitement to swell in my chest or for butterflies to start flapping in my stomach at his admission, but they never come.

Colin is good looking, and he’s definitely one of the more popular guys on campus, but my body doesn’t react to his presence the way it reacts to Ransom, or Malice, or even Victor.

No. Not them.

Thinking about the Voronin brothers makes me irritated, and I shove them out of my thoughts, not wanting them there.

I wantthis. I want normal. I want the handsome, clean-cut guy who’s standing here and telling me he likes me.

So when Colin leans in and kisses me, I let him.

His mouth is warm and sure against mine, but still, there’s no spark. No electric pulse of desire. I close my eyes and try to get into it, kissing him back, leaning into him more. He makes a low noise against my lips, and when I feel the tip of his tongue pressing insistently, I let it in.

And that’s… okay. It feels nice, in a wet sort of way. I can’t tell if Colin is a good kisser or not, but then his hands start roaming, rubbing up and down my back before grabbing my ass hard.

I jerk with surprise, and he pulls me in even closer, grinding against me a little. His mouth is more insistent on mine, and he’s practically shoving his tongue down my throat.

That makes my heart race, but not in a good way. He drags my skirt up, slipping his hand beneath the fabric, and I push on his chest.

“No,” I gasp. “I’m sorry. I don’t want—”

“Come on, baby,” he murmurs, not stopping. “Just a little more. I’ve been thinking about this all night.”

His searching hand delves between my legs, and I shove harder at his chest, finally breaking away from him. He blinks at me for a second, looking stunned that I pulled away. Then he frowns.

“What the hell, Willow?” he snaps. “You can’t lead me on all night and then back out at the last fucking second.”

“W-what?” I stammer, stunned.

“I heard a rumor that you’re a virgin,” he says, tugging me back toward him and wrapping his arms around me as he presses sloppy kisses to my neck. “I’ve never fucked a virgin before, and I want to know if it’s as good as everyone says it is. Come on, baby. It’s a win-win. You let me have this, and I can make you more popular than April.”

I jerk back as if he’s slapped me, a sick feeling churning in my stomach. “Y-you—”

“You should be fuckingbeggingme to fuck you,” he continues, his breath hot on my skin. “Not fighting me off. Trust me, sweetheart. I mean this in the nicest way, but you’re never gonna get a better offer.”

My heart squeezes tightly, tears prickling behind my eyes.

So that’s it.

That’s why he’s paid attention to me all this time. Because he wanted avirgin, and he thought I was pathetic enough to be that desperate for him.

He tries to kiss my mouth, but I turn my head so that his lips land on the side of my face. He rolls with that, dragging his tongue up my cheek. His hands tug at my clothes, trying to get them off or get under them, and I fight harder, fear and anger rising up in me in equal measure.

“No!” I grunt. “Leave me alone!”