Page 69 of Twisted Game

“Shut the fuck up,” Colin mumbles. “You’ll like this. I promise. I could’ve left that party with any girl I wanted, and I chose you. Don’t be ungrateful.”

He’s bigger than me, and although I manage to wriggle out of his hold enough to turn around and take a half step away, he yanks me back against him again, pinning me to his body as we tumble awkwardly to the ground. He pulls me up onto my knees, and I can feel him pressed up behind me, grinding against my ass.

“There you go,” he mumbles. “Now you’re getting the idea.”

Panic floods me, and I rear back as he goes to kiss my neck, twisting and elbowing him hard in the face.

I feel the hard crunch of bone on bone as my elbow collides with his nose, and he lets out a harsh yell. I scramble away while he’s dazed, tripping over my skirt as I try to get up, but he grabs for me again, keeping me from getting to my feet. When I look back, there’s blood on his face and rage in his eyes.

“What the fuck? You cunt!”

He tugs me down again, and I slip on the wet grass, falling onto my back. I feel my head bounce off something hard, and pain explodes behind my eyes. For a second, everything goes dark, nausea roiling my stomach.

When I blink my vision back, Colin is standing over me. His face is bloody and his clothes are stained from the grass. He draws back and kicks me in the side, and then spits right on the grass next to my head.

“Stupid whore,” he mutters. “You’re not fucking worth this much effort.”

He glances around furtively, like he’s afraid someone might’ve heard our fight and come to investigate. Then he glares down at me once more before striding off quickly, leaving me sprawled out on the grass of the golf course.

I try to push myself to my feet, but the whole world seems to tilt to one side, a wave of dizziness crashing into me so hard that I moan. My head aches, and my side hurts from where he kicked me.

I can feel every single one of those drinks I had earlier, and it’s all too much. They mix with the pain in my head, making dark spots dance in my vision every time I blink. Everything spins when I open my eyes, so I press them tightly closed, curling up in a ball and swallowing down the acidic taste at the back of my throat.

I know I need to get up, but I’m too tired. My body feels too heavy.

Consciousness starts to slip in and out, and I have no idea how much time passes. At one point, I’m vaguely aware of a hissing sound that springs up around me, and of something wet splashing over my face and body, but after a while, numbness sweeps through me and I can barely feel it anymore.

Then a gruff voice curses above me, and suddenly, I’m lifted into strong arms.



I liftWillow into my arms, feeling the dampness from her clothes seeping into mine.

She feels so small and fragile tucked against me, like I could fucking snap her in half if I breathed too hard while carrying her. She curls into me, clinging to me like a lifeline, and something in my chest tightens.

She’s totally out of it, barely conscious. If she knew who I was in this moment, she wouldn’t be doing that.

And sheshouldn’tbe doing it either way. She shouldn’t be turning to me for comfort. That’s not the kind of shit I do.

I grit my teeth, fighting with the anger inside myself as I stride away across the lawn. The grass is wet and slippery, but I make it to my car without busting my ass or anything.

It was just a lucky coincidence that Victor heard her talking to herself in her apartment about this fucking frat party. From there, it was easy to find the place she was going to be at. And like we often do, I went to check up on her.

She wasn’t at the frat house when I arrived, and Vic managed to use the cameras in the area to track her down to the golf course.

And now look at her.

I glance down, noticing a small cut by her right eye and dark circles under both of them from being too cold. The sprinklers came on while she was passed out on the golf course, and they fucking soaked her.

What the hell happened?

The pallor of her skin makes the circles under her eyes stand out even more, and it makes fury rise inside me as I yank the car door open, depositing her inside.

Once she’s buckled in, I slide into the driver’s seat and rev the engine, heading back to her apartment.

I have to fumble in a small pocket in her skirt to find her keys, but I manage to get her up the stairs and to the door of her place.