"Oh, come on, Conner. I know for a fact that you've got a better imagination than that."

"Kenny has never been one for grand gestures. She's a quieter, understated kind of girl."

"So do something understated. I know you might want to climb up on the school roof and declare your love..." I raise a brow at her. "You would, and you know it."

"Yeah, okay, you got me."

"But do something that'll mean something to her. She's been through hell. She has no family and is stuck with this crazy lot—"

"Hey," I complain.

"Oh, come off it. You're the craziest one of them all." She laughs.

"You know, I used to like you, Martha," I say with a wink using the nickname I gave her when we first arrived in the Bay.

"Just think about her, not you. You'll come up with something. And if you need anything, you know where I am."

"Thank you, Ellen. I have no idea how we'd have survived without you these past few months."

"Oh, I'm sure you'd have managed."

I give her a grateful smile before making the slow climb back up to my bedroom.

By the time I fall back on my bed, it feels like it was hours ago that I had that conversation with Ellen.

Grabbing my cell from my nightstand, I find five missed calls from Kenny, but before I call her back, I glance at the time and realize that she'll be back in class already.

I opt for a message instead.

Conner: You've got a date on Friday night. Dress casually. He'll pick you up at 7 x

Excitement trickles through me that I'm going to get to spend some one on one time with my girl in a few days. I might even be able to convince the others to leave us alone for the entire weekend so we can make up for lost time.

I make my way down to the pool house in time for everyone to appear after school’s finished, getting comfortable on the beanbag and blasting Bring Me the Horizon through the wireless speakers.

"Well, well, well, look who's feeling better," Ace says, walking through the door a few minutes later.

"Where's Remi?" I ask, looking around for her as if she's about to appear out of nowhere.

"She's gone out with Hadley and Kenny. Apparently, Kenny has a date Friday night and the girls insisted that she needed a new outfit." He rolls his eyes at their antics, but, as ever when he thinks about his girl, his features soften.

Remi is hands-down the best thing that could have ever happened to Ace. While Kenny might have saved my life time and time again, Remi most definitely saved Ace's ass from the state pen.

"Soda?" he asks, pulling the refrigerator open and reaching inside.

"Yeah. I brought a tub of cookies," I say, nodding to what's left on the counter.

"Wow, I'm honored you saved us some."

"I owe you," I whisper.

"Fucking right you do, bro. Here." He throws me a can before falling down on the couch. "Now," he starts, cracking open his drink and taking a swig, "what the fuck are we going to do about that cunt?"

He doesn't need to say his name. I instantly know which cunt he's talking about.

I was so proud of Kenny when she came back up from breakfast and told me that she'd given them all the truth about the reason behind what I did. Although I’m still pissed she couldn't have just told me herself to begin with.

"No one knows where he is," I admit, the words like molten lava in my veins. "I've been asking since Kenny arrived. It's like he's fallen off the face of the Earth."