Chapter Twenty


Kenny stayed at the house with me all weekend. She was the perfect nurse, bringing me food and drinks whenever she thought I needed them and making sure I took the pills Ellen left out for me.

Aside from the fact that I could barely move, and when I did my body screamed in agony, it was the perfect weekend. I had my girl by my side, and she was promising to never leave. Although we both knew that she couldn't keep that promise. Monday was approaching faster than I was ready for, and I knew she'd have to go back to the dorms instead of skipping out on class here with me like I wanted.

It wasn't until late Sunday night that the knock came on my bedroom door and Hadley poked her head in to tell me that Cole was taking them both back.

I felt like a pussy as I gripped onto Kenny's hand, not wanting her to leave, but a huge part of me was worried that once she had a little space, she'd change her mind and cut me out again.

We can't continue on this carousel we've found ourselves on. It's exhausting. She opens up a little and I think I'm getting somewhere at last, only for her to slam the door shut not long after.

I promised Ace and Cole that I wouldn't fight again the first time, but I've been back twice since then, and almost gotten myself killed. I've got to keep my promise this time. I refuse to be the one to put that concerned look in their eyes. They're meant to be living the life right now in the Bay with their girls, not worrying about me and my bullshit.

But the only way I can keep that promise is if Kenny talks to me, if she comes good on her word and this really is the beginning of something for us.

I need her.

I always have. And I don't think that's ever going to change.

Staring up at my bedroom ceiling, I’m not sure I have the energy to even get out of bed for a piss. Everyone aside from Ellen is out. James and Sarah jetted off the other day for some business trip, and everyone else is at school.

They'll have just started fourth period.

I blow out a breath and push myself to sit up. It hurts less than it did a couple of days ago, and I can at least stand now without my eyes filling with tears.

There's only one person who holds the power to make me cry in this world, and it's not the motherfucker who put me down on Friday night.

I make it to the bathroom to do my thing. I should shower, but I had help with the last one I took and I don't want to do it alone. Although I'm more than capable, it doesn't sound half as enjoyable as having Kenny rub me down.

As I pull the bathroom door open, the waft of freshly baked cookies hits my nose, and my mouth waters. Unable to resist, I embark on the long-ass, painful t

ask of getting myself down to the kitchen.

Ellen knows I can never refuse one of her cookies.

I wonder halfway down if that's why she's made them, to lure me out of my pit, as she put it the last time she came up with supplies for me.

"Ah, here is he." She shoots me a knowing look. I've been played. "Take a seat. They'll just be a minute to cool a little. Would you like a glass of milk?"

It makes me feel like a five-year-old, but I don't care because I agree, greedily gulping down the white stuff when she passes it over.

I devour six cookies before she cuts me off.

"I'm sure your girl wouldn't be happy if I allowed you to ruin your physique." She eyes me with a wink as she deposits the remaining cookies into some Tupperware.

"You don't need to worry," I say, tapping my hand to my stomach and instantly regretting it when pain shoots out from my ribs. I thought I'd broken at least one, but when James’ doctor friend made yet another visit to the house to check on me, he confirmed that they were just bruised, although even days after I'm not sure I believe him.

She shakes her head and chuckles at me as she begins cleaning the already spotless and clean kitchen once again.

"You owe that girl, you know that, right?"

"I do," I agree. I owe her more than anyone realizes. If it weren't for her, then I probably would have ended up hurt fighting long before now.

"So what's the plan? Once you're moving a little easier, of course."

"I... uh..."