"No, he beat her…” Bile rushes up my throat. “He didn’t… he wouldn't... No. Just. No."

"Conner," Hadley repeats, this time reaching out to me, but I flinch back, reality crashing down around my feet.

"He... he raped her?" My voice is barely audible, but I know she hears me because her face drops.

"I'm sorry. Fuck." She drops her head into her hands and shakes it back and forth. "I shouldn't have said that," she confesses.

"So you're lying. He didn't—"

"No, he did.” Hadley’s eyes fill with tears. “And I'm pretty sure it wasn't the first time either."

I storm past her, unable to deal with what she's trying to tell me, and plant my fists into my wall. It hurts, but it's not enough. Marching through the house, I don’t stop until the door to James' gym swings back and collides with the wall behind it.

Pulling my shirt over my head, I drop it to the floor and fly at my new addition. The red and black punching bag hangs right in the middle of the huge room.

Pain ricochets up my arm as my fists split against the soft leather, but no matter how hard I hit it, I know it's never going to be enough. Nothing aside from it being that motherfucker's face will ever be enough.

My hits come hard and fast as sweat begins to coat my skin and my chest heaves to drag in the oxygen I need.

When I've got nothing left, I wrap my arms around the bag and lean into it. Emotion clogs my throat and tears burn my eyes.

I should have known.

Why the fuck didn't I know?

If only she’d told me, I would have gone easier.

No wonder she ran at the first possible opportunity.

The roar that rips from my throat doesn't even sound like it belongs to me as it echoes off the mirrored walls.

"Conner?" Hadley's soft, concerned voice hits my ears and I wince. She wasn't meant to see that.

"You need to leave." My voice is hollow. I've got nothing left to give, and I fear what she might be about to witness if she hangs around.

"Go and talk to her. Please, Conner. You both just need to be honest with each other."

"No, what I need is for you to fucking leave and to keep your nose out of my business."

"You want to hurt someone?" she taunts, walking closer. "Hurt me all you like, Conner."

I sense her stop right beside me, and I turn toward her before I realize what I'm doing.

My eyes meet her determined ones, but they don't have any effect on the eruption of emotions warring inside me.

"I'm not going to hit you, Hadley."

"I meant with your words, asshole. You've got something you need to get off your chest, then I'm your girl. Come on."

"Stay. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Business."

I barge past her, my shoulder slamming into hers as I pass. Swiping my shirt from the floor, I pull it on before heading straight out to my car.

I can't be here right now. Although, I'm not sure I can be anywhere, to be honest.

I drive for hours before I pull over into a rest area so I can get out to take a piss.

Once I'm back in my car, I pull my cell from my pocket and stare down at the texts and missed calls. There are ones from Ace, Cole, Hadley, even James, but still nothing from Kenny.