"No, I'm not sick."

With my bottle of water in hand, I walk back out and return to my bedroom. Although I regret it the second I step inside and am hit with her scent again. It's even worse when I throw myself on my bed, because it's almost like I'm surrounded by her.

I hit play on ‘Throne’ by Bring Me the Horizon and drop my cell to the bed as I stare at the ceiling.

I try to think about anything but last night. I attempt to focus on what homework I've got to do, I think about the future and those applications still taunting me from my desk. I think about anything but Kennedy Lowe, the girl who still owns my heart…

But every single thought somehow leads back to her.

My fists are curled in frustration and my need to expel some of my pent-up aggression. I'm biting down on the inside of my cheek when my bedroom door flies open sometime later.

"What the hell did you do?" Hadley shrieks, storming toward the bed. Her eyes are dark and wild, and her lips are pressed into a thin line.

Great, now she's pissed at me. I roll my eyes at myself. Can I do nothing right where women are concerned?

"I have no idea what you're—"

"Have you seen her?"

"What? Who? Kenny? You know I haven't. She'd fucked off before I woke up."

"Yeah, I'm not surprised. What exactly did you do to her last night?"

"Uh..." I hesitate. We had sex, a lot of sex. But surely that's not what Hadley is referring to?

"She's black and blue, Conner. Covered in fucking bruises. How could you?"

My chin drops in shock at her judgement.

“That’s a bit rich, isn’t it? Seeing as I know the things you and my brother get up to behind closed doors.”

Despite my joke, Hadley’s face remains stiff. I've never seen her look so furious before. She's shaking with anger.

"We just—"

"How could you do that after everything she's been through?"

"I don't know what... we just fucked, Hads."

"Yeah, and just how fucking rough were you?"

"I… uh... I only did what she asked of me," I confess, remembering her demands for more.

"You hurt her, Con. Really hurt her.”

Guilt washes through me. I didn't mean to hurt her. "I didn't... I'd never..."

Hadley turns damn near purple before me as her anger begins to boil over.

"He raped her, Conner. And then you just go and..." Her eyes go wide as she registers what she just said. "Fuck, I—"

My stomach turns over and I look away from Hadley for a beat, convinced I'm about to puke on the floor.

"No. You're lying," I whisper, unable to accept her words as pain splits my chest in two.

There's no fucking way it was that bad. She'd have told me.

"Conner," Hadley breathes, sympathy oozing off her.