"He'll have to show up eventually. I'll speak to a few people. The second he does, we'll be on him."

"As much as I appreciate your support, bro, you don't need to get involved."

"Like fuck I don't. He hurt one of us. He deserves everything that’s coming for him."

"I..." I trail off when Ace's eyes lock with mine. It might have been my girl he messed with, but Ace feels it almost as if it were Remi. "Thanks, man."

"That fucker won't be able to take another breath by the time we're finished with him."

"You're aware that she's seen you at your lowest, right?" Cole says, falling down onto my bed while I rummage through my closet for something to wear tonight.

"Don't care. It's our first date."

"Really?" he asks, his brows lifting. "You've been inside her—a few times, if the noises that came out of this room the other week were anything to go by."

"I don't give a shit. I want to do this properly, treat her right. She deserves it."

"You're gonna fuck her though, right?" he asks with a smirk. "You can't go to all this effort and not give her what she really needs."

"What the hell do you know about what she really needs?"

"Because, dipshit, that's what every girl needs."

"You have taken Hadley out on a date, right?"

"Sure, I took her to the beach that night after you told me to."

"Fucking hell, Cole. How did you manage to snag a girl like Hads?"

"Because I make her scream like no other, motherfucker."

"Yeah, about that. You promised me that you'd tell me what you did to make her squeal like she does when I had a girl. So... I'm waiting."

He laughs and scoots to the end of my bed. "Not yet, little bro. Your innocent ears aren't ready. Once you've mastered the vanilla shit, come give me a holler."

"Fuck you, man," I call out as he walks out of my room. I don't miss him flip me off before he disappears around the corner. "You won't tell me, I'm sure your girl will."

He laughs before his door closes and I turn back to the clothes hanging before me.

Irritating myself with my indecision, I drag a navy Henley from a hanger and pull out a pair of light, ripped jeans.

I drag it all on, run my fingers through my hair, and head out, ready to give my girl a night out that she more than deserves. As I make my way down the stairs, I text her to let her know I'm leaving. Every day they're easier to maneuver, I'm sure by the end of the weekend I'll be running down them like usual.

She replies immediately, telling me to wait in the car and that she'll meet me there. I feel like a kid at Christmas as I make my way to the dorms. Excitement flutters in my stomach, knowing that we're going to be able to spend a normal night together without all the bullshit and secrets that have surrounded us up until this point.

Only two seconds after I pull up out the front of her building, the door opens and she steps out. I have to give her a double-take, because I swear I've never seen her looking like she does now.

"Fuck, babe. You look..." I trail off as she drops down onto the passenger seat, because I'm literally speechless.

"I'm glad you like it. I missed you," she whispers, leaning over the center console and brushing her lips to mine.

Every concern I've had this week about her pulling away again settles as I deepen our kiss, threading my fingers into her hair.

Chapter Twenty-One


“Hmm, Conner, what is this place?” I stare over at the restaurant with its pristine windows and gold and black awning. There’s a handful of wrought iron tables out front, gold cushions on the chairs, and candles flickering in the dark.