“Kennedy, dear,” Ellen appears in the doorway, “he’s asking for you.”

“We can talk about this later,” I say, unable to meet Ace’s murderous stare.

“Go,” Hadley says. “We’ll check in later.”

I don’t hang around, taking the stairs two steps at a time.

Outside Conner’s room, I give myself a second to catch my breath. I know there’s no going back now. Seeing Conner lying there like that, not knowing if he was dead or alive, has only cemented what, deep down, I already knew.

I still love him.

Part of me never stopped.

But somewhere along the way, love turned into hate, and the lines between our friendship began to blur.

I don’t knock, slipping inside.

“Hey.” He gives me a crooked smile. “I missed you.”

“I was barely gone an hour.”

“What were you all talking about?”

“You, mostly.” My heart is so heavy at the mess I’ve made. “Ace isn’t happy with either of us.”

“He’ll get over it. Come here.” He pats the bed and I go to him. “I don’t know what Ellen gave me, but I can’t feel my face.”

“That’s a shame.” I smile, gently stroking his jaw. “Because I really wanted to do this.”

Closing the space between us, I let my lips brush over his with the faintest touch. Easing back, I giggle when his hand curves around my neck, capturing me there.

“Not so fast, Lowe. I’m not done with you yet.” Conner kisses me deeply, letting his tongue slide against mine. I can taste the coppery residue of blood, feel the swelling in the pillow of his lip, but I don’t care, and neither does he.

“Fuck, Kennedy. I could die a happy guy right now.”

“Don’t ever say that.” I gently swat his chest.

“Too soon?” He chuckles, but then his expression turns somber. “This, K... this is how it’s always supposed to be between us.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You and me both.” The sadness in his words hit me, because no matter what we say or do from this day forward, it will never erase everything we’ve been through.

“What happens now, Conner?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. Every bone in my body hurts, and when I breathe it feels like my lungs are on fire, but waking up with you next to me, holding you in my arms… it makes it all fucking worth it.”

“You’re crazy, Conner Jagger.” I grin down at him because this guy, this big-hearted goofball, knows exactly what to say to make a girl feel special.

He reaches for my face, cupping my cheek. “But seriously, K. It’s you and me now. After I kill that motherfucker for ever laying a hand on my girl, we’ll ride into the sunset and live happily ever after.”

His eyes dance with humor, his mouth tipped in a playful smirk, but his cold tone makes a shiver run up my spine.

He’s joking.

It’s supposed to be a joke.

Only part of me isn’t sure it’s a joke at all.