“So who—” His expression darkens as he sucks in a harsh breath. “Warren.”

“He must have seen it and replied to you. He often went through my phone.”

“Fuck, babe, why didn’t you reach out to me? It almost fucking killed me, leaving you. But you chose him. After we... you picked him.”

“I didn’t.”

“W-what?” He blinks, wincing with agony. “What the fuck are you saying, K?”

“It was you, Conner.” I offer him a sad smile. “It was always you.”

After my confession, Conner held me until he fell back

to sleep. I finally crept out and got showered and changed into some clean clothes courtesy of Hadley. Now I’m sitting in the Jaggers’ kitchen, eating pancakes, while Ellen tends to Conner.

“Are we all going to ignore the fact that Con is upstairs, pissing blood?” Ace snarls the words, his anger swirling around us. “And my money is on you being the cause.” His icy glare cuts me to the bone, but I stand my ground.

I deserve his wrath, but he doesn’t know the whole story.

I just don’t know if I can tell them yet.

“Ace, relax,” Cole says, surprising everyone.

“Don’t tell me you’re siding with her? Conner was fine before she showed up and started messing with his head.”

“Ace,” Hadley warns. “There are things you don’t understand.”

“Hadley’s right, babe. You need to calm down.”

“Calm down?” he roars, slamming his fist against the counter. The plates jangle and rattle, and Cole’s juice almost spills but he snatches it up just in time. “He could have gotten himself killed.”

“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” I say, my heart beating hard in my chest. “I—”

“What? You what, Kennedy? Spit it out, because I’d love to hear all about how you screwed my brother ov—”

“Warren raped me.” The words pierce the air like a gunshot.

“Fuck,” Cole hisses.

“Warren didn’t just beat me that night... He... he raped me.”

Remi’s eyes shutter as she inhales a sharp breath. Hadley offers me a sad smile. But Ace... Ace looks murderous.

“It wasn’t the first time,” I swallow the lump in my throat, “but he’d never lost it like that before...”

“He... raped you?” Ace looks repulsed.

“Babe.” Remi lays her hand on his arm.

“I didn’t want anyone to know. Especially Conner.”

“I told him,” Hadley admits. “l let it slip, and I guess he couldn’t deal.”

“Really?” Ace hisses. “Fuck, Hadley. What were you thinking?”

“You need to back down, brother.” Cole moves to her side. “This isn’t Hadley’s fault. Just like it isn’t Kennedy’s fault. The only person to blame for any of this, is that piece of shit Warren.”

“Look, I’m—”